S (spindle speed) should be allowed in gcode

Issue #140 resolved
phdussud created an issue

The Gcode parsing code should allow to specify the spindle speed (S) The fix is simple: add it to the codes of the preparser.

Comments (4)

  1. phdussud reporter

    It would throw an exception during the parsing of the float and therefore abort the processing of the gcode file. Here is a test case for it G55 G21 G90 G00 X0.0000 Y0.0000 M03 S26000.000000 G00 Z6.000 G00 X8.5000 Y12.25 G01 Z0.75000 F300.00 G01 X59.0000 Y12.25 F250 G02 I0 J-2.25 X59 Y7.75 G01 X8.5 G02 I0 J+2.25 X8.5000 Y12.25 G0 Z6 G00 X0.0000 Y21.0000 G01 Z0.75000 F300.00 G01 X67.0000 Y21.0000 F250 G0 Z6 G0 X67 Y0 G1 Z0.75 G01 X0.0000 Y0.0000 G01 X0.0000 Y21.0000 G00 Z6.000 G0 X67 Y21 G1 Z0.75 G1 Y0 G00 Z30.0000 M05

  2. phdussud reporter

    Come to think of it. I think T should also be added. It is quite common in gcode files that can use different tools.

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