Cutout for non-convex shapes

Issue #281 resolved
Павел Батанов created an issue

I'm unable to create right free-form cutout for non-convex shape. flatcam just ignores inner angles and create convex shapes.

Also I see manual gaps feature, but it's not possible to generate only Outer GEO for now (there is no such button), so I cannot generate outer geo and place gaps manually.

How can one create ff cutouts for non-convex shapes?

Comments (3)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    Hi @scaytrase,

    I was trying to give the ability to create cutouts from complex shapes (multiple elements) and I used the convex_hull but what is really needed is an alpha shape (concave hull). I will will use instead a setting giving people the ability to tick it if they need a convex shape. This fix will be available in the next build.

  2. Marius Stanciu
    • fixed issue #281 by making generation of a convex shape for the freeform cutout in Tool Cutout a choice rather than the default
    • fixed bug in Tool Cutout, now in manual cutout mode the gap size reflect the value set

    → <<cset ecd647222092>>

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