Generating CNC job for Clear N-copper close the FlatCAM

Issue #319 resolved
Krzysztof Zoltek created an issue

I have latest version of FlatCAM (8.97 x64). I install the program form exe file. I open the file from Eagle 9.5 (.gbr file). I made geometry for NCC Toll. Afther that i try generate CNC job for this geometry, but this close the program. CNC job for isolation geometry worsk fine.

Comments (10)

  1. Krzysztof Zoltek reporter

    Hi Marius,
    Thanks, but i cant run FlatCAM from sources. (py file). I install Python 3.7 and run, but i see for split second cmd and nothing else. I don't have such skills.

  2. Marius Stanciu

    Hi Krzysztof,

    Actually I don’t work directly on the JP’s repository, I use another one where I try things out, leave things unfinished etc and only from time to time I update the main repo.
    Right no the fix is only on my private repo and running FlatCAM from sources won’t help you. I can’t update the main repository right now because I’m in the middle of working to a new FlatCAM tool (rules checking) and it is too much to do in one go.

    If you have any problems running from sources, most likely you did not install all the required packages. The online manual is for the old version 8.5, the new version 8.9x require you to install the packages found in the Requirements.txt file found in the sources.

    This fix will be available in the next release 8.98, which will not take so long as the 8.97.

  3. Marius Stanciu

    There are some bugs that need to be ironed out. I can see them but I need to find solutions for that and you know how it works: it will take as much time as it is needed.
    If I knew a certain date I would tell but I don’t know yet. What I can tell is that I originally scheduled it for 7 October but as you see, I’m late for my prognosis.

  4. Marius Stanciu
    • fixed issue #319 where generating a CNCJob from a geometry made with NCC Tool made the app crash
    • replaced in FlatCAM Tools and in and in Editors all references to hardcoded decimals in string formats for tools with a variable declared in the init()

    → <<cset f47d9cf3d2c3>>

  5. Marius Stanciu

    I've updated the repository, beta branch. It's another big update so if you spot any other bugs please let me know.

  6. Marius Stanciu

    FlatCAM beta is already ported to PyQt5. There is no need to do it.

    [[And a script like that does not solve the real problems of the porting: in PyQt5 any unhandled exceptions are fatal so they have to be handled everywhere.]]

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