Crash - FlatCAM 8.97 64bit on windows 7 64bit

Issue #328 resolved
bluecnc created an issue

I did an installation Now (OCT-19-2019 3AM EST TIME) and I can’t generate G code - the software just Crash!

Crash - FlatCAM 8.97 64bit on windows 7 64bit

All the values are the default values!

File > Open > Open Gerber > Select your .gbr file > Open

In the project tree,
Double click on the .gbr file > Clear N-copper > click on NCC Tool

in the NCC Tool tab scroll down
click on Generate Geometry

The computer will run for some time and will make a red plot that clear all the unnecessary copper.

on the Selected tab scroll down and click Generate

the software Crash!😱

Hope it will help to make this software better.

Blue CNC.

Comments (8)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    Thank you for the report, the fix is already in the Beta branch. I just finished the Google-translated update of the Spanish translation (which is the last to update) so today I will post also the windows installers for v 8.98


  2. bluecnc reporter

    Hi Marius Stanciu,
    Thank you for fixing the bug!
    I can confirm that the Generate button works fine now in FlatCAM 8.98 64bit on windows 7 64bit.

    Other then that, I found other bug related to the NCC Tool tab
    If you scroll down under Reference you click on select Area Selection
    It should allow you to select specific area, but instead of that, it just mark the entire PCB in blue. instead of the actual area that you wish to select.

  3. bluecnc reporter

    I can confirm that the Area Selection is working the way you show in the video using right click.

    what I was trying to do is:
    File > Open > Open Gerber > Select your .gbr file > Open

    In the project tree,
    Double click on the .gbr file > Clear N-copper > click on NCC Tool

    in the NCC Tool tab scroll down

    under Reference you click on select Area Selection

    and then select the area you want - this is the most intuitive way,

    but instead it just mark the entire PCB in blue.

  4. Marius Stanciu

    It may be so, but please understand that the Reference Radio button is just that, a reference selection.
    A selection done here does not start the clearing job. That is the function of the ‘Generate Geometry’ button.
    In this Radio button you can select to make the copper clearing either within the envelope shape of the object itself (first option) or a future area selection (or areas) or having the reference the surface occupied by an external object (3rd option).

    Also, you have to realize that the second option, the area selection, will select not only one area but possible many areas. You finish the area adding by using the right mouse click and only then the job starts.

    It’s the most logical way to have things. It’s not very intuitive to just check a reference (you may change your mind) and immediately start a job that is time consuming.
    So: a reference is just a reference.
    Doing the job it’s the ‘Generate Geometry’ button’s task.

  5. bluecnc reporter

    So if I can select several areas and there is no visual way to see them, and adjust them , It is a bit of a problem.

    In my mind, the way this option should behave is like that:
    you move the radio button to Area Selection, than you draw a rectangle (click hold it clicked, drag, release) then

    If the pointer is move in the edge it would make a double arrow cursor for resize the rectangle, (click hold it clicked, drag, release) will let you adjust the size of the rectangle

    If the pointer is move on the surface of the rectangle it will make a 4 arrows cursor to move the rectangle, (click hold it clicked, drag), will let you to move the rectangle

    If you select the rectangle but clicking on it it will let you delete it wilt the “delete” key on the keyboard, - or right click delete - you can apply it to also cut / copy / paste / duplicate

    If you click on empty area it will allow you to draw new rectangle at the same was I described before.

    when you happy with the areas that you marked on the PCB, you click Generate Geometry

    Blue CNC.

  6. Marius Stanciu

    Hi, I agree with you but realize that while the things may seem minor, they actually are quite complex. Under the hood.

    For the past two years, especially the last year, I worked on FlatCAM almost each day. This is an insane amount of work and it brought us here. I’ve donated almost all my free time to FlatCAM and there is so much that one person (with a little help here and there) can do.

    I’m not against what you suggest, far from it. I would like an Undo manager, too. And so many other things. But … time …

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