Using Cut Path in an editing session causes FlatCAM to crash when closing the object editor

Issue #386 resolved
Earle Blaine created an issue

If I use Cut Path in an object editing session more than once (like multiple cuts on the same path), FlatCAM will crash when I close the editor.

Repro steps:

Load the attached gerber file (generated by Eagle).
Generate isolation geometry (also in attached DXF file).
Start the Object Editor
Create a Rectangle over the path in the lower right corner as shown in CutPath_Crash_01.png
Select the Path and the rectangle as shown in CutPath_Crash_02.png
Use the Cut Path function
Delete the rectangle
Create a closed polygon around the orphans of the path as shown in CutPath_Crash_03.png
Use the Cut Path function
Delete the closed polygon.
Close Editing and say yes to save.

Computer Info:
Windows 10 64 Pro
NVidia RTX2070 Driver version 442.19

Comments (3)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    Thanks for the report.

    Issue is for FlatCAM beta.
    The problem appeared due of some of the geometric elements in the edited object solid_geometry being geometry collections and that crashed the edited_object.bounds() method.

    Issue fixed in my working copy. Fix will be available in the next version of FlatCAM beta 8.992.

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