Attempting to mirror gerber object causes crash

Issue #409 resolved
Matthew Goulart created an issue

Attempting to mirror a gerber object via “options > flip on x axis” causes the following:

[DEBUG][MainThread] build_ui--> FlatCAMObj.build_ui()
[DEBUG][MainThread] parseGerber.Gerber.bounds()
[DEBUG][MainThread] parseGerber.Gerber.mirror()
WARNING: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/flatcam/flatcamObjects/", line 1463, in on_mark_cb_click_table
assert isinstance(cw, FCCheckBox),
AssertionError: Expected a cellWidget but got <class 'flatcamObjects.FlatCAMGerber.GerberObject'>
/usr/bin/flatcam: line 3: 213291 Aborted (core dumped) python /opt/flatcam/

OS: Manjaro Linux

Flatcam version: 8.992 beta 2020/05/01

Comments (2)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    Ok, thanks! It was a change done in the past few days. I think that it’s not needed so I am reverting it.

  2. Marius Stanciu
    • fixed issue #409; problem was due of an assert I used in the handler of the Menu ->Options -> Flip X(Y) menu entry
    • activated and updated the editing in the Aperture Table in the Gerber Editor; not all parameters can be edited for every type of aperture
    • some strings updated

    → <<cset 1bbbb70fc870>>

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