Importing DXF or SVG as geometry or gerber says "successful" but does not actually import anything.

Issue #433 resolved
Luke created an issue

Importing DXF or SVG as geometry or gerber says "successful" but does not actually import anything.

I have consequently opened the SVG file in lazerGRBL application and the SVG&DXF in solidworks to confirm that they are both valid files and they open perfectly. Flat cam seems to no want to open them.

Comments (8)

  1. Marius Stanciu


    More details please: FlatCAM version, if run from installer or from sources, operating system, the messages in the Shell.
    Anything you think will help in reproducing the issue.
    It will help if you can add the SVG file, too.


  2. Marius Stanciu

    In any case, I detected some issues in the DXF parser which are due of recent changes in the ezdxf module (used for DXF parsing).
    They have made obsolete a method for the splines and renamed an attribute but the provided fix was not sufficient. I had to rename the attribute spline.knot_values to spline.knots.

    I also detected issues in parsing ellipses due also to the latest changes in the ezdxf module. Fixed those too.

    Your DXF is loaded like this now:

    I still need the SVG file to check for the issues in the SVG parser.


  3. Luke reporter

    I managed to get the DXF to parse properly but it does seem particular to the software creating the DXF. if adobe illustrator creates the DXF (file i linked to above) then it will not parse however, if i import the DXF into solidworks as a 2d sketch, then export back out as a DXF then flatcam does import it sucessfully .

    windows 10 64 bit Flat cam 8.991 BETA (2019/12/27)

  4. Marius Stanciu

    The problem you see on how the DXF file is generated is related to whether the curves are closed or not. It seems that the Adobe Illustrator doesn’t do a great job with DXF generation.

  5. Marius Stanciu

    As for the SVG file, again it seems to not be generated OK, it does not have information’s regarding of the units and height. Yet, I did made a patch so SVG’s like this can be opened.

    Thanks for the SVG file!

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