
Clone wiki

FlatCAM / Contrib

Contributor Guidelines

Consider this document as the "rules" for the submission of contributions.

By submitting any contribution (in the discussion group, issue tracker, code, wiki, twitter, etc, in the form of code, images, or any other media) you are consenting that you have no copyright claims over you submission nor does anybody else (your employer, partner, or any third-party).

Bug Fixes must have an associated issue

Always create an Issue completely describing the problem and how to reproduce before submitting a bug fix.

Make sure your changes haven't broken anything

Fully test the program after making a change. Test other features (not just the one you just worked on). Always run available automated tests and also run manual tests on as many features as possible. If you are not sure what your code could possibly break, ask questions.

The available tests right now are:

  • tests/
  • tests/
  • tests/
  • tests/

If you have not run the tests (and obviously if they fail) your submission will not be accepted.

Comments and Documentation

Every addition to the code must be fully documented. Never assume that what you did is obvious, so explain it in your comments. If you have added a new feature, you must document it in the wiki.

Code quality and conventions

Look at PEP8 rules for Python.
