
Juan Riano Cloudinary Downloader

Updated by Juan Riano

File Modified

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
 # It also saves json files with the details of the downloaded files.
 # usage:
-# > ./cloudinary_download_all_pics 2>&1 | tee /home/jriano/cloudinary_uploads/_log.log
+# > ./ 2>&1 | tee /home/jriano/cloudinary_uploads/_log.log
 # Cloudinary credentials
Updated by Juan Riano

File cloudinary_downloader Deleted

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
-# By Juan Riano
-# This script downloads all the files from a Cloudinary account,
-# And saves the results in the same file structure as stored online.
-# It also saves json files with the details of the downloaded files.
-# usage:
-# > ./cloudinary_download_all_pics 2>&1 | tee /home/jriano/cloudinary_uploads/_log.log
-# Cloudinary credentials
-# Variables
-home=$( echo $HOME )
-# Create working forlders if not present
-mkdir -p $home_reports
-mkdir -p $home_uploads
-# Get first list
-curl "$get_listing_str$max_results" > "$listing_json"
-cat "$listing_json" | jq . > "${home_reports}/${listing_prefix}1.json"
-next_cursor=$( cat $listing_json | jq . | grep next_cursor | awk -F': ' '{print $2}' | awk -F'"' '{print $2}')
-# Initialize cursors file
-echo "" > "$cursors_list"
-# If there are more files, keep on getting the lists
-while ! [ -z $next_cursor ]; do
-    (( listing_counter ++ ))
-    echo ""
-    echo " Next cursor:"
-    echo "$next_cursor" | tee -a "$cursors_list"
-    curl "$get_listing_str$max_results&next_cursor=$next_cursor" > "$listing_json"
-    # Create copy of listing
-    cat "$listing_json" | jq . > "${home_reports}/${listing_prefix}${listing_counter}.json"
-    next_cursor=$( cat $listing_json | jq . | grep next_cursor | awk -F': ' '{print $2}' | awk -F'"' '{print $2}')
-# Now go throgh the lists and download the files keeping the folder structure
-lists=$( ls "${home_reports}" | grep "${listing_prefix}")
-for list in $lists; do
-    echo ""
-    echo "***** Working with list: $list"
-    pics=$( cat "${home_reports}/${list}" | grep "secure_url" | awk -F'https://' '{print $2}' | awk -F'"' '{print $1}' )
-    for pic in $pics; do
-        echo ""
-        echo "* Downloading: $pic"
-        # Create pic's folder if it's not there
-        pic_dir=$( echo "$pic" | grep -oE "([^/]+[/])+" )
-        mkdir -p "${home_uploads}/${pic_dir}"
-        # Get the file
-        curl "https://${pic}" > "${home_uploads}/${pic}"
-    done

File Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+# By Juan Riano
+# This script downloads all the files from a Cloudinary account,
+# And saves the results in the same file structure as stored online.
+# It also saves json files with the details of the downloaded files.
+# usage:
+# > ./cloudinary_download_all_pics 2>&1 | tee /home/jriano/cloudinary_uploads/_log.log
+# Cloudinary credentials
+# Variables
+home=$( echo $HOME )
+# Create working forlders if not present
+mkdir -p $home_reports
+mkdir -p $home_uploads
+# Get first list
+curl "$get_listing_str$max_results" > "$listing_json"
+cat "$listing_json" | jq . > "${home_reports}/${listing_prefix}1.json"
+next_cursor=$( cat $listing_json | jq . | grep next_cursor | awk -F': ' '{print $2}' | awk -F'"' '{print $2}')
+# Initialize cursors file
+echo "" > "$cursors_list"
+# If there are more files, keep on getting the lists
+while ! [ -z $next_cursor ]; do
+    (( listing_counter ++ ))
+    echo ""
+    echo " Next cursor:"
+    echo "$next_cursor" | tee -a "$cursors_list"
+    curl "$get_listing_str$max_results&next_cursor=$next_cursor" > "$listing_json"
+    # Create copy of listing
+    cat "$listing_json" | jq . > "${home_reports}/${listing_prefix}${listing_counter}.json"
+    next_cursor=$( cat $listing_json | jq . | grep next_cursor | awk -F': ' '{print $2}' | awk -F'"' '{print $2}')
+# Now go throgh the lists and download the files keeping the folder structure
+lists=$( ls "${home_reports}" | grep "${listing_prefix}")
+for list in $lists; do
+    echo ""
+    echo "***** Working with list: $list"
+    pics=$( cat "${home_reports}/${list}" | grep "secure_url" | awk -F'https://' '{print $2}' | awk -F'"' '{print $1}' )
+    for pic in $pics; do
+        echo ""
+        echo "* Downloading: $pic"
+        # Create pic's folder if it's not there
+        pic_dir=$( echo "$pic" | grep -oE "([^/]+[/])+" )
+        mkdir -p "${home_uploads}/${pic_dir}"
+        # Get the file
+        curl "https://${pic}" > "${home_uploads}/${pic}"
+    done
Created by Juan Riano

File cloudinary_downloader Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+# By Juan Riano
+# This script downloads all the files from a Cloudinary account,
+# And saves the results in the same file structure as stored online.
+# It also saves json files with the details of the downloaded files.
+# usage:
+# > ./cloudinary_download_all_pics 2>&1 | tee /home/jriano/cloudinary_uploads/_log.log
+# Cloudinary credentials
+# Variables
+home=$( echo $HOME )
+# Create working forlders if not present
+mkdir -p $home_reports
+mkdir -p $home_uploads
+# Get first list
+curl "$get_listing_str$max_results" > "$listing_json"
+cat "$listing_json" | jq . > "${home_reports}/${listing_prefix}1.json"
+next_cursor=$( cat $listing_json | jq . | grep next_cursor | awk -F': ' '{print $2}' | awk -F'"' '{print $2}')
+# Initialize cursors file
+echo "" > "$cursors_list"
+# If there are more files, keep on getting the lists
+while ! [ -z $next_cursor ]; do
+    (( listing_counter ++ ))
+    echo ""
+    echo " Next cursor:"
+    echo "$next_cursor" | tee -a "$cursors_list"
+    curl "$get_listing_str$max_results&next_cursor=$next_cursor" > "$listing_json"
+    # Create copy of listing
+    cat "$listing_json" | jq . > "${home_reports}/${listing_prefix}${listing_counter}.json"
+    next_cursor=$( cat $listing_json | jq . | grep next_cursor | awk -F': ' '{print $2}' | awk -F'"' '{print $2}')
+# Now go throgh the lists and download the files keeping the folder structure
+lists=$( ls "${home_reports}" | grep "${listing_prefix}")
+for list in $lists; do
+    echo ""
+    echo "***** Working with list: $list"
+    pics=$( cat "${home_reports}/${list}" | grep "secure_url" | awk -F'https://' '{print $2}' | awk -F'"' '{print $1}' )
+    for pic in $pics; do
+        echo ""
+        echo "* Downloading: $pic"
+        # Create pic's folder if it's not there
+        pic_dir=$( echo "$pic" | grep -oE "([^/]+[/])+" )
+        mkdir -p "${home_uploads}/${pic_dir}"
+        # Get the file
+        curl "https://${pic}" > "${home_uploads}/${pic}"
+    done

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