installer not working

Issue #1210 invalid
Stefano Gatto created an issue

Hello, I just tried to install piler on a fresh ubuntu 20.04.3 server. after cloning git repo and modifying the procedure stopped with

  • mysql --defaults-file=/etc/piler/.my.cnf-root -h localhost
  • mysql --defaults-file=/etc/piler/.my.cnf -h localhost piler
    ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'piler'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

note that if I try to connect to mysql the password in .my.cnf works, what can I check to solve?


Comments (9)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Not sure, the last time I checked the installer worked properly, though with the intended product. Anyway, what did you change?

  2. Stefano Gatto reporter

    I modified piler_hostname, mysql root password and mysql piler password, nothing else.

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner
    #lsb_release -a
    No LSB modules are available.
    Distributor ID: Ubuntu
    Description:    Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
    Release:    20.04
    Codename:   focal

    I’ve just tested with the above system. I change the hostname only, and the installer script has completed just fine.

  4. Stefano Gatto reporter

    Thank you Janos, I think it could be related to password I choosed for root and piler mysql users?



    maybe the symbols are not correctly processed? Strange is that if I try to connect to mysql by hand ( mysql -u user -p ) the credentials work…

    Well monday I will try changing only hostname and I’ll keep you up to date

  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Indeed, that could be an issue if you don’t properly escape metacharacters having a special meaning to bash.

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