Invalid data

Issue #266 resolved
Former user created an issue

I am trying to add a new domain new from admin panel , domain name is , while i am adding it , it prompts the error as invalid data. Is there any restriction is accepting the domain names other than .in or .com .

Comments (14)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Edit system/misc.php, and locate the validdomain() function. It has the following line:

    if(preg_match('/@?[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})$/', $domain)) {

    Chage {2,5} to {2,10}, then try it again. The same can be fixed in validemail() function.

  2. Abhilash Singam

    I have changed the setting , even though its showing the same error. I have changed both valid email as well valid domain parameter , still its showing same error.Can you get me through this.

  3. Abhilash Singam

    Still waiting for the solution , if there is restriction while adding domains , this cannot be an option for archiving. Kindly suggest.

  4. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Please do the same in controller/domain/domain.php, ie. find {2,5} and replace with {2,10}

  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Can you tell me what you are trying to do? On what page you are exactly? And how the complete screen looks like? If a teamviewer session is possible, then I'd look at it. In this case please skype me (janos.suto).

    Btw. I've added this fix to my dev site, and it accepted the .travel TLD.

  6. Abhilash Singam

    I want to start archiving for the domain , on the administartor page , i am adding a new domain , i am giving the domain name and mapped name as The error after i submit it is prompted as Invalid data.

  7. Janos SUTO repo owner

    In that case I'd look around on your archive, because something is not right. Other option is to upgrade the GUI to the master branch. I've just committed the fix to bitbucket.

  8. Rajesh Samineni

    Dear Support,

    we have an issue with piler - sphinx reindexing, we have data in store, but not showing in audior search, i had ran the indexer after that everything gone.

    /usr/local/libexec/piler/ /usr/local/libexec/piler/ /usr/bin/indexer --quiet tag1 --rotate /usr/bin/indexer --quiet note1 --rotate

    before performing above, sphinx/* around 44 gb, but after this it is showing around 6Gb only,

    fyi: we have valid folder level backup for /var/piler.

    issues: 1. auditor showing empty results. Empty search result. Try adding the wildcard character() after a word snippet, eg. duplic to find "duplicate", "duplicated", etc.

    1. Email content not showing in piler gui, only header is showing while print.
    2. sph_index showing 0.
    3. reindxer -a error: mail piler faild add to sph_index xyz.eml zpipe: invalid or incomplete deflate data

    Need support team help to fix the issues.

  9. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Please don't just append your problem to a random issue. I'm not sure how your problem relates to this solved domain adding issue. Rather, please create a new issue for your problem, and be sure to check if either piler.key or the iv parameter in piler.conf has changed.

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