Wrong save button

Issue #3 resolved
János Csárdi-Braunstein created an issue

In the webui, the "Save" (i think..) buttons text is wrong.

{{{ #!html

<input type="button" class="advsecondary" value="<?= $text_save; ?>" onclick="javascript:send_ajax_post_request('http://mailarchive0.int.dotroll.com/index.php?route=search/save', assemble_search_term(count) + '&save=1', 'A1');" />


Comments (6)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    well, it's not that wrong, it's a valid php shortening. However it needs that a certain php.ini entry is present to support it. I've fixed the issue by replacing it with the "<?php print " form. Please update your installation with the 0.1.17 version.

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