PHP warnings with piler 1.1.0

Issue #479 closed
Former user created an issue

Dear Janos,

I have the following issues for you: #1 logged in as admin@local -> administration -> group -> edit existing group: Notice: Undefined variable: text_assigned_email_addresses in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/view/theme/default/templates/group/edit.tpl on line 60

#2 see above, -> Select Addresses by Letter: Warning: Illegal string offset 'email' in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/view/theme/default/templates/group/email.tpl on line 12

#3 see above -> built-in piler admin -> settings: Warning: PDOStatement::execute(): SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: no parameters were bound in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/system/database/mysql.php on line 46

piler-1.1.0, [ebuild R ] dev-lang/php-5.5.20:5.5 USE="apache2 berkdb bzip2 cli crypt ctype curl fileinfo filter gd gdbm hash iconv json ldap mysql nls opcache pdo phar posix readline session simplexml snmp sqlite ssl threads tokenizer truetype unicode xml xmlrpc xslt zip zlib -bcmath -calendar -cdb -cgi -cjk -debug -embed -enchant -exif (-firebird) -flatfile -fpm (-frontbase) -ftp -gmp -imap -inifile -intl -iodbc -ipv6 -kerberos -ldap-sasl -libedit -libmysqlclient -mhash -mssql -mysqli -oci8-instant-client -odbc -pcntl -postgres -qdbm -recode (-selinux) -sharedmem -soap -sockets -spell (-sybase-ct) -systemd -sysvipc -tidy -vpx -wddx -xmlreader -xmlwriter -xpm" 12.931 KiB

running on Gentoo Linux.

Kind regards, Tibor

Comments (11)

  1. Tibor M

    Updated to jsuto-piler-66db430f247c.tar.gz : Warning No. 1 & 3 are gone now, No. 2 still there: Warning: Illegal string offset 'email' in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/view/theme/default/templates/group/email.tpl on line 12

    Just another question: We use postfixadmin with login names: name@mail.intern where mail.intern is our private domain. For the outherworld, @whatever.what domain is mapped to the addresses (postfix), so our users are able receive emails to both addresses. If I activate the imap login, the users are able to see the @mail.intern emails only. What is the correct way to configure piler for both domains? Map as admin@local mail.intern to whatever.what? It seems, that this is insufficient, I must create a group for the user and assign both email addresses -> For all the users is this too much work...

    Thank you for your support.

  2. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Get the fixed file, and it will solve #2

    Piler doesn't support well arbitrary sql queries for the authentication yet. However with a little development I believe that it can be solved. All we need is a custom query to get all the email addresses for the given user. Is the postfixadmin table is in the same database as in piler? Show me the query, and I'll do my best.

  3. Tibor M

    Dear Janos, thank you for your quick reply. #2 is solved now.

    What is domain mapping exactly for? What I need is an alias like mapping of email domains. The SQL query should look like this (I guess) for the two domains USER@DOM1.DOM1 USER@DOM2.DOM2: (@from USERXDOM1XDOM1| USERXDOM2XDOM2 | @to USERXDOM1XDOM1| USERXDOM2XDOM2) '

    The postfixadmin table is in a different DB on a different host.

  4. Janos SUTO repo owner

    The domain mapping aims to keep track of the several domains of the given customer.

    I think I'll add a hook or something that lets you to create a custom sql query to get the email addresses for the given user.

  5. Tibor M

    Ahh, it has to do with the archive_only_mydomains=1 setting? Ok. I propose a new alias entry in the administration menu - similar to the domain entry - where the multiple domain sql query could be set....

  6. Janos SUTO repo owner

    archive_only_mydomains when enabled discards the emails if neither the sender nor the recipient belong to one of the domains listed in the domain table (see the domain menu).

    Btw. for starters I'd like to verify the custom function / query idea, before putting it to the admin panel. And if the original issue is solved, I'd like to see this ticket closed.

  7. Tibor M

    Indeed, the original issues are solved now. But how can I put the status to solved? I'm new to bitbucket.

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