Navigation through the emails

Issue #570 resolved
Sebastian Henze created an issue

Would be cool if you could navigate through all emails. At the moment you can only view the first 1000 hits.

Maybe you can implement something with a three-view where you can select the year and the month.

Comments (9)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Unfortunately you can't. Sphinx won't return all the 153738 emails of a person, you have to specify the date if you want more. The 3 paned view may not help much, since there might be more hits even for the given yyyymm.

    Note that the sphinx people say that no one goes over a 153738 list of emails.

  2. eXtremeSHOK

    I might be mistaken, but I configured mail piler to return 100 000 results. Will post info once I have access to those configure

  3. Sebastian Henze reporter

    Hmm. The "problem" is that people want to navigate from email to email (and don't want to use the search settings to limit the results). So what about a "dirty hack" where you can use the arrows to switch to the next 1000 results?

  4. Janos SUTO repo owner

    There's no such a hack. Although I doubt that users often go through from email 1 to 1000, I see your point.

    Two options come to my mind:

    #1: configure the gui to return more hits, eg. set the following in config-site.php:

    $config['MAX_SEARCH_HITS'] = 2000;

    #2: create another arrow that performs the same query, except, it adds the current last id as an upper limit, thus sphinx returns the next 1000 page set.

    #3: drop the 1000 limit, and let users page through all hits, if that's what they really want. The current scheme with the 1000 hits limit is mostly the result of the "download all emails" buttons. For enabling to download all hits at by clicking on the button, I have to query all 1000 hits at once, then provide them in paged sets with 10-20-50 emails per page. I think this should be the correct solution, however it breaks the download buttons as we know it. I'll ask for a second opinion on the mailing list, stay tuned.

  5. eXtremeSHOK

    Btw, he could just set this to

    $config['MAX_SEARCH_HITS'] = 1000000;

    Pretty much ive never had a user need to search through more than 10000 emails.

    You generally should know atleast some of the following: sender, receiver, date range.

  6. Janos SUTO repo owner

    That's definitely an option as long as nobody just hits the search button, then clicks on the download them all button.

  7. Sebastian Henze reporter

    This MAX_SEARCH_HITS will solve it for the moment I think. May I ask where this "download them all button" is? I only found the "download all selected button"

  8. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I've just revised the idea. The download all button (find it in the middle vertical bar after you searched) can download messages from the given page.

    However I've just improved the pilerexport utility to support sphinx queries as well. So it should allow you (in the cli) to extract all relevant messages.

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