GUI: User list not shown - Bad SQL mode

Issue #712 resolved
Jose M. Albarran created an issue


I'm testing 1.2.0-master build 945 on Ubuntu 16.04, with mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.13, for Linux (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper.

In administration mode, I add an user. But in the user list, I see "Existing user: Not found". Internally the user exists because I cannot create twice.

I have added the trace option as commented by you in Issue#561.

After capture the SQL, I see the following SELECT: SQL=SELECT user.uid, isadmin, username, realname, domain, email FROM user,email WHERE user.uid=email.uid group by user.uid ORDER BY username ASC LIMIT 0, 20 Aug 18 08:39:08 irulan piler-webui[5916]: SQL=SELECT COUNT(*) AS num, uid FROM email group by uid Aug 18 08:39:08 irulan piler-webui[5916]: SQL=SELECT * FROM customer_settings WHERE domain=(SELECT mapped FROM domain WHERE domain=?)

If I test this SELECT in my mysql environment, I see the following error: mysql> SELECT user.uid, isadmin, username, realname, domain, email FROM user,email WHERE user.uid=email.uid group by user.uid ORDER BY username ASC LIMIT 0, 20; ERROR 1055 (42000): Expression #6 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by

Comments (13)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    It's a feature introduced in mysql 5.7. OK, give me some time until make such an installation, and try it for myself.

  2. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Try the following: edit model/user/user.php, and locate the problematic query:

    $query = $this->db->query("SELECT " . TABLE_USER . ".uid, isadmin, username, realname, domain, email FROM " . TABLE_USER . "," . TABLE_EMAIL . " $where_cond group by " . TABLE_USER . ".uid $_order $limit", $q);

    and fix it:

    $query = $this->db->query("SELECT " . TABLE_USER . ".uid, isadmin, username, realname, domain, email FROM " . TABLE_USER . "," . TABLE_EMAIL . " $where_cond group by " . TABLE_USER . ".uid, " . TABLE_EMAIL . ".email $_order $limit", $q);
  3. Jose M. Albarran reporter


    The changed SQL avoided the crash, but has a collateral effect. I have an user with 3 different e-mail addresses, and now appears three times in the list (one per address). I imagine you will like to use some MIN or FIRST approach to this.

    In any case, thanks

  4. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Did the previous fix work? Anyway the fixed sql query might be the following:

    create index email_idx2 on email(uid);
    select distinct(email.uid) as u, isadmin, username, realname, domain, (select email from email where uid=u LIMIT 1) from email, user where email.uid=user.uid ORDER BY username ASC LIMIT 0, 20;

    THe php stuff may have be to fixed to match it.

  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    OK, got it: change the original query and fix it like this:

    SELECT user.uid, isadmin, username, realname, domain, ANY_VALUE(email) as email FROM user,email WHERE user.uid=email.uid group by user.uid ORDER BY username ASC LIMIT 0, 20;

  6. Jose M. Albarran reporter

    Ok, I have changed to

    $query = $this->db->query("SELECT " . TABLE_USER . ".uid, isadmin, username, realname, domain, ANY_VALUE(email) as email FROM " . TABLE_USER . "," . TABLE_EMAIL . " WHERE " . TABLE_USER . ".uid=" . TABLE_EMAIL . ".uid group by " . TABLE_USER . ".uid ORDER BY username ASC LIMIT 0, 20", $q);

    and it seems to work NOTE: I would suggest to use MIN instead of ANY_VALUE, for 2 reasons: - It's SQL standard (future migrations) - It has some logic (minimum alfabetical value)

  7. Janos SUTO repo owner

    OK, it makes sense to use MIN(). I'll update the master branch soon to reflect the fix.

  8. Jose M. Albarran reporter
    • changed status to open

    Hi, Janos

    I have just updated to last night master. This fails again. You have forgotten the "AS email" in the select.

    Current: $query = $this->db->query("SELECT " . TABLE_USER . ".uid, isadmin, username, realname, domain, MIN(email) FROM " . TABLE_USER . "," . TABLE_EMAIL . " $where_cond GROUP BY " . TABLE_USER . ".uid $_order $limit", $q);

    Right one: $query = $this->db->query("SELECT " . TABLE_USER . ".uid, isadmin, username, realname, domain, MIN(email) AS email FROM " . TABLE_USER . "," . TABLE_EMAIL . " $where_cond GROUP BY " . TABLE_USER . ".uid $_order $limit", $q);

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