Email body not shown in WebGUI

Issue #737 resolved
Tibor M created an issue

Dear Janos,

after the 1.2.0 update (and full reindexing) I cannot see some email bodies. Download EML shows complete message! The emails (with bodies not showing) are internal emails, mostly sent via ssmtp (bacula logs, etc.) Do you have any idea?

piler 1.2.0, build 952, Janos SUTO Build Date: Tue Oct 18 12:19:55 CEST 2016 ldd version: ldd (Gentoo 2.22-r4 p13) 2.22 gcc version: gcc version 4.9.3 (Gentoo 4.9.3 p1.5, pie-0.6.4) OS: Linux mailarchive 3.12.13-gentoo-mailarchive #1 SMP Wed Mar 19 11:32:52 CET 2014 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux Configure command: ./configure --localstatedir=/var --with-database=mysql --enable-tcpwrappers --enable-memcached MySQL client library version: 10.0.27-MariaDB Extractors: /usr/bin/pdftotext /usr/bin/catdoc /usr/bin/catppt /usr/local/bin/xls2csv /usr/bin/ppthtml /usr/bin/unrtf /usr/bin/tnef

Comments (7)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Hello Tibor, probably a gui parser issue. If you have some of these emails that are not sensitive, then please zip 2-3 of them, and send to me for investigation.

  2. Tibor M reporter

    Thank you Janos, the patch has corrected the issue.

    -- Dipl.-Ing. Tibor Matyas (Head of IT, Software Development)

    Tel.: +49(0)421-596969-21 Fax.: +49(0)421-596969-59

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