
Jason Grey rdp - no write

Created by Jason Grey

File snippet.txt Added

  • Ignore whitespace
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+$RDPTCPpath = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\Winstations\RDP-Tcp'
+$TSpath = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services'
+$msg = 'Set Computer Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates: Policy definitions\Windows Components\Remote Desktop Services\Remote Desktop Session Host\'
+$domainJoined = (gwmi win32_computersystem).partofdomain
+if ($domainJoined) {
+  Write-Host Domain: (gwmi win32_computersystem).Domain
+} else {
+  Write-Host Not domain joined
+  Set-ItemProperty -Path $RDPTCPpath -name LanAdapter -Value 0
+function ReadReg()
+  Param($Path,$Name,$Expected,$Text)
+  $Value=(Get-ItemProperty -Path $Path -Name $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).$Name
+  Write-Host ($Path+'\'+$Name+': '+$Value)
+  if (!($Expected -eq $null) -and !($Expected -eq $Value)) {
+    if ($domainJoined) {
+      if (!($Value -eq $null)) {
+        Write-Host ($msg+$Text)
+      }
+    } else {
+      Write-Host Reset value to expected: $Expected]
+    }
+  }
+ReadReg -Path $RDPTCPpath -Name PortNumber
+ReadReg -Path $TSpath -Name fDenyTSConnections -Text 'Connections\Allow users to connect remotely by using Remote Desktop Services'
+$t = 'Connections\Configure keep-alive connection interval'
+ReadReg -Path $TSpath -Name KeepAliveEnable -Expected 1 -Text $t
+ReadReg -Path $TSpath -Name KeepAliveInterval -Expected 1 -Text $t
+ReadReg -Path $TSpath -Name KeepAliveTimeout -Expected 1 -Text $t
+$t = 'Connections\Automatic reconnection'
+ReadReg -Path $TSpath -Name fDisableAutoReconnect -Expected 0 -Text $t
+ReadReg -Path $RDPTCPpath -Name fInheritReconnectSame -Expected 1 -Text $t
+ReadReg -Path $RDPTCPpath -Name fReconnectSame -Expected 0 -Text $t
+ReadReg -Path $RDPTCPpath -Name fInheritMaxSessionTime -Expected 1 -Text 'Session Time Limits\Set time limit for active Remote Desktop Session Services sessions'
+$t = 'Session Time Limits\Set time limit for disconnected sessions'
+ReadReg -Path $RDPTCPpath -Name fInheritMaxDisconnectionTime -Expected 1 -Text $t
+ReadReg -Path $RDPTCPpath -Name MaxDisconnectionTime -Expected 0 -Text $t
+ReadReg -Path $RDPTCPpath -Name MaxConnectionTime -Expected 0 -Text 'Session Time Limits\End session when time limits are reached'
+$t = 'Session Time Limits\Set time limit for active but idle Remote Desktop Services sessions'
+ReadReg -Path $RDPTCPpath -Name fInheritMaxIdleTime -Expected 1 -Text $t
+ReadReg -Path $RDPTCPpath -Name MaxIdleTime -Expected 0 -Text $t
+ReadReg -Path $RDPTCPpath -Name MaxInstanceCount -Expected 4294967295 -Text 'Connections\Limit number of connections'

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