
Clone wiki

jummp / model_search

Model search

Models can be accessed by browsing through the list of available models, or via the search facility.

Users can search for models using the search box located on the top right of every page, as well as next to the search results on the search page. Models can be searched in terms of name, description, the person submitter, the format, and version of the format. Additionally, plugins supporting specific model formats may choose to extract format-specific information from a submitted model, which is also indexed. For instance, the plugin supporting PharmML can index information related to model definition and trial design.

The search results can be sorted in terms of name, format, submitter and the dates of submission and last modification. The search query is embedded in the URL shown in the browser, which enables users to bookmark search results.

Search for 'Bonate' (using the model's description)

Searching for models based on content

Search for 'PharmML' (using the model format)

Searching for models based on format

The search ignores the case in queries ("pharmml" will return the same results as "PharmML").

For queries with multiple terms, results matching any of the terms are returned. Additionally, the search has support for logical operators such as "AND" and "NOT".

Search for 'PharmML' excluding models matching 'Chan'

Searching with logical operators
