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jummp / quartz_jobs

Quartz jobs

The following table describes the recurrent processes that are currently in use in Jummp. These are effectively Quartz jobs configured through the Grails Quartz plugin.

Job name role schedule
SearchIndexOptimiserJob optimises the Solr search index every night at 2AM
MiriamRegistryExportUpdaterJob updates the export of the registry that is used to resolve annotations on the last Saturday of every month at 2:15AM
AuthenticationOutdaterJob removes expired authentication hashes every 15 minutes
GarbageCollectionBasedCleanerJob cleans-up the exchange directory of revision checkouts corresponding to RevisionTransportCommand objects that the garbage collector says are no longer referenced. every three minutes
OldFilesExchangeCleanerJob purges the exchange directory of any revision checkouts. every six hours
RegistrationCheckerJob checks which model formats are supported by the application every five minutes


  • The AuthenticationOutdaterJob relies on the AuthenticationHashService that is currently not used elsewhere in the application. The service and the Quartz job have been created with a view to configure the duration of an authenticated session. This currently clashes with the session-timeout setting defined in src/templates/war/web.xml.
  • The RegistrationCheckerJob is only there to ensure that the state in the ModelFileFormatService survives garbage collection. This violates the rule that services should be stateless!
