Thunbnails are lost after viewing the update post form after thumbnails are added

Issue #5 resolved
Matthew Hunt created an issue

To reproduce this issue:

1) Add an image to a post (file upload custom field) 2) Go back to the edit form and see the thumbnail 3) Change the title or change nothing at all and submit the form again. 4) Post thumbnails disappear.

Comments (7)

  1. Jacob Snyder repo owner

    I made an updated, but I can't reproduce this. Could be that it is being wiped by an ACF mash up?

  2. Jacob Snyder repo owner

    I see. I think you have "unique custom field" clicked?

    I hadn't tested that. For now, don't click that on file fields. They already get saved uniquely by gravity forms, and my system wipes them currently if that is clicked. I am fixing that now.

  3. Jacob Snyder repo owner

    Really cleans up the unique custom field handling. I turned unique on by default. And fixed some multi choice handling, so they can only be unique. Forced to never try unique on images, because they would get deleted which should fix issue #5.

    → <<cset 4b8d18cea41d>>

  4. Matthew Hunt reporter

    AH that must have been it. I do not use that feature either. I am not sure why that was checked. I tested this and it does work now. So does the delete link. I think that was being affected by that even with the script.js file.

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