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info / Event Planner for Confluence

Getting Started

Effortlessly create and edit events in view mode with Free Event Planner for Confluence! Perfect for collaborative planning, our native Confluence Macro stores all your data on your instance. Safe and intuitive event planning free of charge!


Start your event planning journey with these simple steps:

  1. Insert the "Event Planner" macro onto any page.
  2. Save the page and begin planning in view mode.
  3. Simply click on any date and time to create a new event.
  4. Remember to check the "Settings" menu to adjust time appearance, hide weekends, and more.

Help & Support

How to raise a support ticket

Providing feedback is invaluable as it fuels continuous improvement and ensures that products and services align with users' needs. Easily send us your feedback as it serves us as a compass!



The app follows the highest of security and data privacy standards:

  • 100% Forge app!
  • Does not access or process any data within your instance or embedded tools.
  • Data stored only within your Confluence instance region using content attachments and entity properties.
  • No external database.
  • No token/secret storage.
  • Static app runs client-side.

Why is data stored in a Confluence attachment file?

Atlassian has a tiny 32kB chunk storage limit for developers. In order to keep data within your instance and allow unlimited events/description in any count of Event Planner calendars on one page, we decided to store that data securely inside Confluence content attachments. These attachments are named like so: eventplanner-234234234234.json

Note: do not delete these attachments.
