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cs247_2020 / CS247_Assignment_4

Assignment 4 Description (14% of total grade)

Due: April 6th/ April 13th

The task for this assignment is the implementation of Volume Raycasting.

Reading assignments

  • Real-Time Volume Graphics, Chapter 1 (Theoretical Background and Basic Approaches), from beginning to 1.4.4 (inclusive)
  • Real-Time Volume Graphics, Chapter 2 (GPU Programming)
  • Real-Time Volume Graphics, Chapter 3.2.3 (Compositing)
  • Real-Time Volume Graphics, Chapter 4 (Transfer Functions) until Sec. 4.4 (inclusive)
  • Real-Time Volume Graphics, Chapter 5 until 5.4 inclusive (Terminology, Types of Light Sources, Gradient-Based Illumination, Local Illumination Models)
  • Real-Time Volume Graphics, Chapters 5.5, 5.6 (Gradients)
  • Real-Time Volume Graphics, Chapter 7 (GPU-Based Ray Casting)
  • Nelson Max, Optical Models for Direct Volume Rendering, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 1995
  • Jens Krüger and Rüdiger Westermann, Acceleration Techniques for GPU-based Volume Rendering, IEEE Vis 2003

Basic Tasks

  • Implement volume raycasting on the GPU (using fragment shaders)

    • Perform single‐pass raycasting (front‐to‐back) by rendering the front‐ and back‐geometry using OpenGL and then use these as input‐textures for a fragment shader that does the ray traversal.
  • Implement two different render modes:

    • iso‐surface raycasting corresponding to selected iso‐value
    • DVR (direct volume rendering) using user‐specified transfer function

Minimum Requirements

Due: April 6th

  • Render front-faces and back-faces into textures (ray setup) (15 points)
  • Implement DVR (Direct Volume Rendering) in the GLSL fragment shader (25 points)
    • Opacity correction (5 points)
    • With shading (get the normals using central differences) (5 points)
    • Early ray Termination (5 points)

Due: April 13th

  • Simple interactive windowing transfer function (15 points)
  • Implement Iso-surface rendering in GLSL fragment shader (20 points)
    • With shading (get the normals using central differences) (5 points)
    • Early ray Termination (5 points)


  • Axis-aligned Clipping planes (atleast two) (+5 points)
  • MIP (maximum intensity projection) mode (+5 points)
  • Using Pre‐integrated Transfer Function for DVR (+10 points)
  • Empty‐space skipping (+15 points)


  • There aren't prototypes for every function you might need. Create functions as you need them.

Screenshots for Minimum Requirements Solution

Transfer Function 0 (No shading)


Transfer Function 0 (with shading)


Transfer Function 5 (with shading)


Isosurface - isovalue:0.2 (with shading)


Isosurface - isovalue:0.3 (with shading)

