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PSHDL.localhelper.core / Home


Localhelper is a tool that can synchronize your workspace with a local directory. It also provides means to invoke local tools, like the PSHDL board programmer, or local synthesis tools.

You can download it here

It is executed like this: java -jar localhelper.jar. Without arguments the usage information is displayed:

The workspace ID is a required option
usage: pshdLocal
 -atcl,--acttclsh <arg>    Absolute path to the Actel TCL shell (acttclsh
                           executable). Default is
                           lsh.exe] (not found)
 -com,--comport <arg>      The name or path to the serial port
 -d,--dir <arg>            Directory to use for the synced files. The
                           default is the current directory
 -h,--help                 Prints this help
 -prg,--programmer <arg>   The absolute path to the fpga_programmer
                           executable. Default is [fpga_progammer] (not
 -syn,--synplify <arg>     Absolute path to the synplify executable.
                           Default is
                           01303MSP1-1\win64\mbin\synplify.exe] (not
 -w,--workspaceID <arg>    The workspace ID to which the client should

When you have a PSHDL board, you can specify the com port that it is attached to. When the fpga_programmer is not found, you can specify an alternative location with the prg option.

Right now the only supported synthesis tools are from Actel, which has to be running on a floating license. If the hard-coded path to the tools are not suitable to your installation, you can override them with the actl and syn option.
