Hide attendees from unathourized access.

Issue #18 resolved
Martin Lindblom created an issue

No description provided.

Comments (11)

  1. Martin Lindblom reporter

    När användaren har skapat en anmälan ska denna info inte kunna hittas av andra användare/observeras mer än en gång.

  2. Fredrik repo owner

    Show attendee confirmation only once

    And hide attendees from non-admins. Also using memcached store for session_cache which is more secure than storing info client-side.

    Refs #18

    → <<cset 4f85f7688d0e>>

  3. Fredrik repo owner

    Show attendee confirmation only once

    And hide attendees from non-admins. Also using memcached store for session_cache which is more secure than storing info client-side.

    Refs #18

    → <<cset 913027d3004b>>

  4. Fredrik repo owner

    Show attendee confirmation only once

    And hide attendees from non-admins. Also using memcached store for session_cache which is more secure than storing info client-side.

    Refs #18

    → <<cset 8943a9282601>>

  5. Martin Lindblom reporter

    Show attendee confirmation only once

    And hide attendees from non-admins. Also using memcached store for session_cache which is more secure than storing info client-side.

    Refs #18

    → <<cset 646a6b662174>>

  6. Fredrik repo owner

    Show attendee confirmation only once

    And hide attendees from non-admins. Also using memcached store for session_cache which is more secure than storing info client-side.

    Refs #18

    → <<cset f0d3c6cf4ef8>>

  7. Martin Lindblom reporter

    Show attendee confirmation only once

    And hide attendees from non-admins. Also using memcached store for session_cache which is more secure than storing info client-side.

    Refs #18

    → <<cset 646a6b662174>>

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