Move attendee from reserve to standard list

Issue #34 resolved
Martin Lindblom created an issue

No description provided.

Comments (8)

  1. Martin Lindblom reporter

    We should probably have a status-column, with three possible values: 'attendee', 'reserve' and 'removed'.

    Only admins should have the possibility to change this value.

  2. Martin Lindblom reporter

    Admin can now change status of attendee.

    Status can have the following values: attending, reserve and removed. Indicates whether the attendee will come, is on reserve list or will not attend.

    Also updated lists with status values and how we calculate the threshold when attendees will be put on reserve list.

    refs #34

    → <<cset bf656b09ae40>>

  3. Fredrik repo owner

    Admin can now change status of attendee.

    Status can have the following values: attending, reserve and removed. Indicates whether the attendee will come, is on reserve list or will not attend.

    Also updated lists with status values and how we calculate the threshold when attendees will be put on reserve list.

    refs #34

    → <<cset cbba315002c8>>

  4. Fredrik repo owner

    Admin can now change status of attendee.

    Status can have the following values: attending, reserve and removed. Indicates whether the attendee will come, is on reserve list or will not attend.

    Also updated lists with status values and how we calculate the threshold when attendees will be put on reserve list.

    refs #34

    → <<cset 67c8377fa5e8>>

  5. Martin Lindblom reporter

    Admin can now change status of attendee.

    Status can have the following values: attending, reserve and removed. Indicates whether the attendee will come, is on reserve list or will not attend.

    Also updated lists with status values and how we calculate the threshold when attendees will be put on reserve list.

    refs #34

    → <<cset cbba315002c8>>

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