Make Preference and Foodpreference dependent on Attendee

Issue #53 resolved
Martin Lindblom created an issue

When an Attendee is destroyed, destroy it's associated Preference and Foodpreference. This way we avoid orphaned records in db.

Comments (5)

  1. Martin Lindblom reporter

    Foodpreference and Preference now depends on Attendee

    Foodpreference and Preference associated with an Attendee is now destroyed when the Attendee is destroyed.

    refs #53

    → <<cset 9baf09073a53>>

  2. Fredrik repo owner

    Foodpreference and Preference now depends on Attendee

    Foodpreference and Preference associated with an Attendee is now destroyed when the Attendee is destroyed.

    refs #53

    → <<cset 1da9cc6eba32>>

  3. Martin Lindblom reporter

    Foodpreference and Preference now depends on Attendee

    Foodpreference and Preference associated with an Attendee is now destroyed when the Attendee is destroyed.

    refs #53

    → <<cset 9baf09073a53>>

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