How to control onHover colour for nodes?

Issue #44 resolved
Ali Sabet created an issue

I’ve tried setting every theme color that might effect onHover colour (ie colorScheme, iconTheme, etc), but to no avail. Which parameters specifically control selection/hover colour?

Comments (4)

  1. Ali Sabet reporter

    It seems there is a hardcoded override for the hoverColor theme for some reason?

      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        ThemeData _parentTheme = Theme.of(context);
        return Theme(
          data: _parentTheme.copyWith(hoverColor: Colors.grey.shade100),
          child: ListView(
            shrinkWrap: shrinkWrap!,
            primary: primary,
            physics: physics,
            children: node) {
              return TreeNode(node: node);

    Why is that the case?

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