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pool-spec / Functions



A function takes a tuple of values and returns a tuple of values. A function is a block bound to a name.


	(uint16, uint16) split ( i:uint32 )
		return ( i >> 16, i & 0xFFFF );

	// inside a function only
	var makeBigger = (real v)[[ v + 1.43 ]]; // return type is inferred to be real.

To the left side of the function name is the return tuple. The name can begin with any alphabetic character or an underscore and contain any alphanumeric characters as well as underscores. The name can be ignored if the function is being used (assigned to a delegate or passed to a function). Anonymous functions may also omit the arguments and return tuples in which case the return types will be inferred and the function will take no arguments. If there is one tuple present it will be assumed to be the arguments. If an anonymous function is being created inside the argument list of a function the types of the arguments may be omitted and they will be the types that the parameter specifies in it's definition.

A function will return the value of the last statement executed. If you wish to return a value earlier you can use a return statement. The return statement will return the values passed to it.


Blocks are similar to functions, the main difference is that blocks have the added advantage of having access to the scope of the enclosing function. Also you cannot return from a block. Return statements inside blocks will return from the enclosing function. Blocks cannot be bound to a name access able outside of the function they are declared in. Therefore if filter in the following example attempts to store the delegate passed to it, this will fail to compile.

The rules for defining blocks are nearly identical to functions except you use { and } instead of ## and ##. Also, for anonymous blocks you can skip the parameter list if it takes no arguments.

	set.filter((i){ i % 2 == 0 });

	immutable pivot = 8;
	set.filter((i){ i > pivot });

Default Arguments

	(a:Collection) collectionMin ( a:Collection, min :int = 10 )
	[[{ i > min ? i : min });

Default arguments are the value that should be passed if an argument is not specified by the caller. If any argument has a default value all the arguments to the right of it must also have a default value. Default values may refer to anything that can be accessed from the location of the function declaration and any previous arguments.

Named return values

	(r:String) createString ( in:Collection!String )
		r = ""

			r += s;

Named return values allow you to use a value inside a function and it will automatically be returned at the end. The type of a named return value must be a class. The value will not be initialized. If any return value has a name all return values to the right of it must also have a name. If you use a return statement you do not need to provide values for the named items. If the name of a return value is the same as that of an argument the value will be initialized with the value passed in.


Pool does not have explicit macros but you can use blocks or functions as macros.

		bool isCloseF(f1:real, f2:real, tol:real = 0.001)
			return f1+tol > f2 && f1-tol < f2;
		bool isCloseB(f1:real, f2:real, tol:real = 0.001)
			f1+tol > f2 && f1-tol < f2;

		assert(isCloseF(sin(Pi*0.0, 0)));
		assert(isCloseF(sin(Pi*0.5, 0)));
		assert(isCloseB(sin(Pi*1.0, 0)));
		assert(isCloseB(sin(Pi*1.5, 0)));


	var i = sin(Pi/2);

Function calls are similar to most C-style languages. It is the name of the function followed by a tuple of arguments.

Syntax Sugar

Bracket Drop Function Call Syntax

The brackets may be omitted in function calls. In this case it will be assumed that the brackets would be placed right after the function name and at the end of the statement.

	f1 1, f2 2, 3, 4, 5 f3 6;
	// Is equivalent to
	f1(1, f2(2, 3, 4, 5 f3(6)));

As it is clear to see this can quickly get confusing so it is recommended to use discretion and whitespace when considering this syntactic sugar.

	assert sin(0) == 0;

	thing.enable true;

It is important to note that you must have brackets on a function that takes no arguments.

Block Outside Function Call Syntax

If the last argument of a function is a block or anonymous function you may put it outside of the brackets and the semi-colon can be omitted. Also single statement blocks may be written without the braces.

	() f ( i :int, f :(int)(int){} )
		// ...

	f(5, (i){ i*2 });
	// can be written as:
		(i){ i*2 }

	// This is really nice when the block takes no arguments.
	if (true, {i++});
	// can be written as:
	if (true) {i++}
	// or:
	if (true) i++;
