Glossary page - Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Issue #23 resolved
Former user created an issue

Since beginning of 2018 only global Administrator have Access / can view the Glossary page. All other people get the error message: "Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found."

We tested the following things: 1. test user without any rights = glossary don´t get displayed (with error message above) 2. added the Test-User to all Spaces with full rights = glossary don´t get displayed (with error message above) 3. Added Test-User to Global Administrator Group = Glossary get displayed 4. Revoked Accessrights as Global Administrator = glossary don´t get displayed

At the beginning of 2018 every User was able to display the Glossary. Since that we didn´t changed the Rights to access the Site.

Maybe this could help.... When I´m try to access the Glossary page as Confluence Admin the content get displayed. On the Overview Page the "Lock" is grey and open. When i access any entry from the Glossary Page, the page get displayed. But on this Page the lock is red and open. After i clicked on the Lock it´s grey and open. (see attachments)

Comments (10)


    We have the same issue here. Creating and showing a glossary page just works fine within the linked space but it's not possible to view the Glossary space.

  2. Scott Selberg


    I'm not sure what is causing the issue or how to reproduce it. In your images, you show one with the 'unrestricted' and one with the red-unlocked icon. I think the red open-lock implies that a parent page has a restriction. There was a user in the past with this issue. As I recall, they moved the page and moved it back and that fixed the issue. I'm not sure why that would fix the issue. perhaps you can try that with one of your pages.


  3. Former user Account Deleted


    thanks for the reply. I found a "quick-and-dirty" way to solve the issue. At first @selberg moving the Page from one to another space doesn´t solve the issue in my case.

    So what i´ve done to solve the issue: I tested the process in our Sandbox and after verification in the live System. * Exporting the Glossary Space * Deleting the Space * Deinstalled the Plugin * Installed the Plugin * Imported the Glossary Space

    Everything is working and the fault with the red open lock is gone. Also the {include} error don´t appear anymore. System is working and normal user can access / read the glossary.

    Best regards Stefan

  4. Scott Selberg

    Hi, so I've been playing with this. Seems like when the pages are created, they are not properly determining their parent page. If you re-order the pages. (select reorder pages, move page A to the top of the list, then move page A back below page &, then page A behaves correctly. So the workaround for now is to move every page using the reorder tool. This will also be the workaround for existing spaces.

  5. Scott Selberg

    Version 2.2.5 used some different api calls to associate the parent/child page relationships that seems to work better. For reasons I don't understand, the calls prior to 2.2.5 did not make a relationship that worked for the restrictions resulting in pages that thought they had a restriction from a parent page - but really didn't.

    So, the problem is fixed with new glossary spaces created with version 2.2.5 or later. To fix spaces created prior to 2.2.5, you need so reorder the pages and move every page somewhere and back to make sure the parent/child relationship within Confluence is correct.

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