Since Confluence 6.7.1 upgrade I only get "Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found." on the main glossary page..

Issue #29 duplicate
Former user created an issue

Is this an issue with this add-on or Confluence?

Maybe it's me?!

Any assistance greatly appreciated..


Comments (9)

  1. Scott Selberg

    see issue 23. The plugin has been updated to prevent thre issue when creating a new glossary space; however, for pre-existing spaces you need to reorder - and unreorder the pages in the space.

  2. Michael Bailey

    When I try to do that, Confluence freezes when I attempt to open the parent page in order to re-order the children (see new attachment). Any ideas.

  3. Scott Selberg

    Hi, I'm not sure what is causing that. Now, your situation is not something I can reproduce on my side - so I'm guessing on how to deal with this. As background, the pluin uses Atlassian Space Blueprint API to create the space and the pages. From what I can tell, the calls I was using created the pages but didn't do everything the way Atlassian was expecting - and so something broke with the recent release of Confluence. I was able to use the old code, generate pages and reproduce the error. So I used a different api call to make the pages and I could no longer generate the problem. So the key points is that the pages created by the old version of the plugin have some underlying issue (and upgrading the plugin can't retroactivly fix how there were created.) Spaces created with the new version are not showing the problem. Experimentally, re-ordering pages has fixed the problem in other instances.

    Now, I've had situations where the page to re-order pages freezes up - that was caused by a page with no title. That's a situation that shouldn't happen, but in some early beta versions of my plugins I made some mistakes in the API that created that situation. I didn't think I had released any code that could cause that problem - but perhaps it sneaked through. The Keysight Admin Tools for Confluence has a tool to help clean up that situation:

    One approach you can also try is to create a new glossary space. Now, a glossary space is just a normal space with the following: the space category "glossary", custom content in the home page to list the content of the child pages, 27 pages titled &, A, B, ..., and Z. So, you could create a blank space, give it the right categories and permissions, then copy the home pages and it's from the broken glossary space to the new space. Remove the glossary space category from the old space and hopefully you are good to go. Then if things are working, delete the broken space to keep things clean.

  4. Michael Bailey

    Hey Scott,

    Thanks for trying buddy but no cigar :(

    When I try your suggestion in the final paragraph the copy of the pages from the existing glossary to the new blank space just doesn't work. Only a single (seemingly random) glossary item makes it over. No A-Z pages, nothing else..

    Somewhat painful but I guess I can cut and paste from the old space to a new one. I am a little nervous about your add-on now though to be honest.

    Thanks anyway for trying and for your good work with this product, I'm a coder at heart and make all kinds of mistakes all day long. No hard feelings..

    Go well!


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