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Table of Contents:

Getting Started!

The Basics

The core of the TD system is "", which you invoke from the command line:





TradeDangerous is command-line based which means that after the "" you are going to supply the parameters of the question you have, such as which tool to use, what systems to look at, etc.

The first thing you'll type after '' is the name of the sub-command you want to invoke, such as local to find nearby stars or run to plan a trade run.

After the sub-command you'll provide parameters for the request you're making.

Command Line Parameters 101

There are some parameters that are required for a command to work, for instance the "local" command needs a System name to base its query on:

$ local Mokosh/BetheStation

There are also "modifiers". These are either a dash followed by a single letter or two dashes followed by a descriptive name.

$ local --detail Mokosh/BetheStation
$ local -v Mokosh/BetheStation

"-v" is an alias for "--detail" (think 'verbose'), so the above two commands actually do the same thing.

Note: Long-form modifiers can be shortened down to the least number of letters that makes them distinct from other modifiers used by the command. So --detail could be --de or --det, --ly-per-jump could be --ly

Some modifiers require a value; you can either type "--name value" or "--name=value", the "=" can make it easier to tell what you intended:

$ local -v --ly=12 Mokosh/BetheStation
$ local -v --ly 12 Mokosh/BetheStation

Expert note: you can stack short-form arguments, "-A -B -C -C -D" can be written as "-ABCCD".

Nobody can hear your spaces...

If you run into problems with names/words with spaces in them, you can either leave the space out (BetheStation) or use quotes:

$ local -v --ly=12 mokosh/bethestation
$ local -v --ly=12 "mokosh/bethe station"
$ local -v --ly=12 'mokosh/bethe station'

There is help... has a lot of help, if you have a problem with a command, try

$ cmdyourstuckwith --help
$ local --help

Do I really have to type all this crap?

TradeDangerous is written in Python and made Open Source and modular to enable other people to incorporate into their own systems. I'm good at writing the number-crunching parts of systems but I'm just lousy at creating people-friendly user interfaces.

That said: there is a "scripts" folder, which provides a set of short-cuts for a lot of the really common stuff and a way to avoid having to keep repeating things like your ship's carrying capacity, max light years, etc.

I would recommend getting used to without that first.

Conventions used in TradeDangerous


We use the term "hop" to mean picking up cargo from station A, travelling to station B and selling your cargo there.

A "jump" is entering hyperspace to travel between two different systems.


TD generally indicates a SYSTEM NAME by displaying it in upper case while station names are displayed as a proper noun ("McDivitt Station").

The convention of SYSTEM/Station is used to qualify a station in a specific system.

You don't have to type all of it ...

TD tries to save you typing by looking things up for you, the only limit is how uniquely the thing you type identifies what you're trying to reference.

$ local "The Ascending Phoenix"
$ local TheAscendingPhoenix
$ local TheAcendingP
$ local ascendingp

But it breaks down at "phoenix":

$ local phoenix
./ System/Station lookup: "phoenix" could match BW PHOENIX or CHI ERIDANI/The Ascending Phoenix


If a system name is conflicting with a station name, you can prefix it with an '@' sign

$ local @phoenix

will lookup a system maching "phoneix" (at time of writing, that's BW PHOENIX)

You can indicate a station by prefixing it with a "/"

$ local /phoenix

will only match against station names.

If you want to specify both a system name and a station name you can write this as either:

$ local chi/phoen
$ local @chi/phoen

This looks up all the systems that match "chi" and then searches their stations for matches with "phoen".

Let there be data

In order to do anything with TradeDangerous, you're going to need some price data.

Enter it yourself

You can manually enter or refresh data for stations as you visit them by using the "update" sub-command.

$ update BetheStation

This window is designed to closely resemble the Market Data UI in the game.

You can also use a text-editor to edit the data, see

$ update --help

When you are done editing, a copy of your changes is written to a file called "updated.prices" and then the data is loaded into the main TradeDangerous database (or "cache").

Download someone else's

The other way to get data is to import it from someone else. TD has an "import" command for this purpose. You can specify a local ".prices" file (you can read about prices file in the Price Data wiki page), or you can specify a web url to download.

Another option is to use one of the supported plugins. The plugin system is new in TradeDangerous and currently the only supported plugin is to fetch data from "maddavo"s site (

$ import --plug=maddavo


$ import --plug=maddavo --opt=help

for options supported by this plugin. For example, you can merge System and Station data from his site into your local database by adding --opt=systems and/or --opt=stations.

If you want to use a different 3rd party .prices source, you may be able to obtain a plugin module from them.

Once you have some data, you're about ready to start using TD.

Using TradeDangerous

"run" sub-command: planning a trade run

Let's assume you're at Bethe Station in Mokosh System and your hold will carry 16 units of cargo, your ship can jump 8.56ly at a time laden and you have 20,000 credits:

$ run --from "Mokosh/Bethe Station" --credits 20000 --capacity 16 --ly-per 8.56
or just
$ run --fr=mok/beth --cr=20000 --cap=16 --ly=8.56

produces an output something like this:

MOKOSH/Bethe Station -> BD+23 3151/Houssay Port:
  MOKOSH/Bethe Station: 10 x Crop Harvesters, 3 x Basic Medicines, 3 x Biowaste,
  BD+23 3151/Bamford Ring: 16 x Tea,
  BD+23 3151/Houssay Port +16,755cr

The first line is telling us which system/station pairs this run starts and ends with; it does this because TD lets you cast your net wide. Try the same command with just the system name.

The second line suggests we start by picking up 10 crop harvesters, 3 units of basic medicines and 3 units of biowaste. Biowaste probably won't be very profitable but TD will try and get you every last red credit out of your trade runs.

The third line is our first stop, Bamford Ring in the BD+23 3151 System. Sell everything we brought with us and load up with 16 units of tea.

Then, we make a quick in-system trip to a neighboring station where we sell everything and we should have somewhere in the ballpark of 16,000cr profit.

You can add the "--detail" (alias "-v") option if you want to get more insight into the run:

$ run --fr mok/beth --cr 20000 --cap 16 --ly 8.56 -v
MOKOSH/Bethe Station -> BD+23 3151/Houssay Port:
  Load from MOKOSH/Bethe Station: 10 x Crop Harvesters (@1906cr), 3 x Basic Medicines (@281cr), 3 x Biow
aste (@30cr),
  Jump MOKOSH -> BD+23 3151
  Load from BD+23 3151/Bamford Ring: 16 x Tea (@1239cr),
  Finish BD+23 3151/Houssay Port + 16,755cr => 36,755cr

the more times you specify "--detail" (or -v, or stack like -vvv), the more detail you get:

$ run --fr mok/beth --cr 20000 --cap 16 --ly 8.56 -vvv
MOKOSH/Bethe Station -> BD+23 3151/Houssay Port:
Start CR:     20,000
Hops    :          2
Jumps   :          1
Gain CR :     16,755
Gain/Hop:    8,377.5
Final CR:     36,755

  Load from MOKOSH/Bethe Station:
       10 x Crop Harvesters      1,906cr each,     19,060cr total
        3 x Basic Medicines        281cr each,        843cr total
        3 x Biowaste                30cr each,         90cr total
  Jump MOKOSH -> BD+23 3151 => Gain 7,251cr (453.188cr/ton) => 27,251cr
  Load from BD+23 3151/Bamford Ring:
       16 x Tea                  1,239cr each,     19,824cr total
  Finish at BD+23 3151/Houssay Port gaining 16,755cr => est 36,755cr total

How did TD decide on this route?

An important note Everything TradeDangerous does is data driven. It's showing us an in-station trade here because when TD crunched all the numbers, this was the best trading opportunity it found given the constraints it had.

TradeDangerous started by making a list of stations we could start from. Because we specified a station with "--from", that's a short list. We could also have specified "--from Mokosh" and then the list would have been all the stations in Mokosh system.

Next, it looked for stations that you could reach from the starting point that were buying what Bethe is selling.

Then it applied something called "Knapsack" to find out what the most profitable combination of things Bethe has to offer is for each of those stations.

It tried buying as many crop harvesters as it could afford/fit, and it tried buying as much biowaste as it could afford/fit.

When it had found the best bets, it made a note of how much money that was going to make.

Then it took each of those "hops" with the profits made and it did the same thing; "where to next?".

How many times it does this is controlled by the "--hops" option, which defaults to 2.

If we specify just one hop:

$ run --fr mok/beth --cr 20000 --cap 16 --ly 10 -vv --hops 1
MOKOSH/Bethe Station -> LTT 15449/Roentgen Port:
  Load from MOKOSH/Bethe Station:
       10 x Crop Harvesters      1,906cr each,     19,060cr total
        3 x Basic Medicines        281cr each,        843cr total
        3 x Biowaste                30cr each,         90cr total
  Jump MOKOSH -> LTT 15449 => Gain 7,387cr (461.69cr/ton) => 27,387cr
  Finish at LTT 15449/Roentgen Port gaining 7,387cr => est 27,387cr total

We made more money selling our crop harvesters et al, so why did TD send us to a different station the first time?

The answer lies in how much money we could make on the next hop:

$ run --fr 15449/roen --cr 20000 --cap 16 --ly 10 -vv --hops 1
  Load from LTT 15449/Roentgen Port:
        3 x Natural Fabrics        392cr each,      1,176cr total
  Jump LTT 15449 -> V775 HERCULI => Gain 294cr (98cr/ton) => 20,294cr
  Finish at V775 HERCULI/Beatty Port gaining 294cr => est 20,294cr total

We can actually persuade TradeDangerous to calculate this as a single route for us using the "--via" option or "--avoid" options:

$ run --fr mok/beth --cr 20000 --cap 16 --ly 10 -vv --via roentgen
$ run --fr mok/beth --cr 20000 --cap 16 --ly 10 -vv --avoid bamfordring
MOKOSH/Bethe Station -> LTT 15449/Roentgen Port:
  Load from MOKOSH/Bethe Station:
       10 x Crop Harvesters      1,906cr each,     19,060cr total
        3 x Basic Medicines        281cr each,        843cr total
        3 x Biowaste                30cr each,         90cr total
  Jump MOKOSH -> LTT 15449 => Gain 7,387cr (461.69cr/ton) => 27,387cr
  Load from LTT 15449/Roentgen Port:
        3 x Natural Fabrics        392cr each,      1,176cr total
  Jump LTT 15449 -> V775 HERCULI => Gain 294cr (98cr/ton) => 27,681cr
  Finish at LTT 15449/Roentgen Port gaining 7,681cr => est 27,681cr total

Taking this route reduced our profit from 16,755cr to 7,681cr.

For a final contrast, lets see what happens if we let TD play out a total of 5 hops:

$ run --fr mok/beth --cr 20000 --cap 16 --ly 10 --hops 5
MOKOSH/Bethe Station -> GD 219/Mckee Ring:
  MOKOSH/Bethe Station: 10 x Crop Harvesters, 3 x Basic Medicines, 3 x Biowaste,
  BD+23 3151/Bamford Ring: 16 x Tea,
  V774 HERCULIS/Mendel Mines: 16 x Gallite,
  MOKOSH/Lubin Orbital: 7 x Superconductors, 9 x Water Purifiers,
  V775 HERCULI/Beatty Port: 12 x Silver, 3 x Power Generators, 1 x Bertrandite,
  GD 219/Mckee Ring +51,347cr

In just 5 hops, we've more than doubled our money.

Some key options of "run"

--from and --to

These let you specify the start and end station or system.

Both are optional, so you can if you want type:

$ run --cap 4 --cr 1000 --ly 7.56

and find out the most profitable newbie route in the game. It may take a really long time, though.

--hops and --jumps

"--hops" controls how many legs there are, where you stop at a station and sell your current cargo and pick up a new one.

Remember: TD tries to produce the best proffit for the total number of hops you make, and changing --hops can produce very different cargo and route recommendations.

"--jumps" controls the maximum number of systems TD will allow between station stops. So if you say "--hops 2 --jumps 3" you may have to jump 6 times in total to complete a route.

--avoid and --via

These both accept stations or systems, individually or comma separated. In addition, "--avoid" also accepts the names of items.

$ run --avoid gold   # don't trade in gold
$ run --avoid gold,sol # don't trade in gold and don't go to sol

When a station is specified: "--avoid" won't use that station as a trading point, although it may pass through the system. "--via" will require that one of the stops is at the specified station.

When a system is specified: "--avoid" will guarantee you do not pass through or stop a station in that system; "--via" will do the opposite.

--start-jumps (aka -s)

Sometimes you wind up at a station that has crap to sell and the only places that buy it sell more crap that you can only sell back at square one -- honestly, this is a testament to the work done by Frontier in setting up the economy.

The "--start-jumps" (-s) option lets TD take stations from nearby systems into account.

Again, TD makes its decisions in a data-driven way, so if you are at a station with kick-ass profits, it will start from that.

Some times it will break you out of a potentially profitless grind.

But a lot of the time it will simply move you one hop down the sequence. In practice, I always get the route with and without "-s".

"--start-jumps" is fairly new and the jury is still out as to whether it should tell you what to take with you to the first station, because that's basically like adding another --hop.

"--max-days" (aka --max)

You can restrict TD to using recent data by setting an upper age limit (in days), e.g.

$ run --max-days=7  # data must be <= 7 days old
$ run --max 0.5 # data must be <= 1/2 day (12 hours) old

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