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Menubar Widgets / Home

Menubar Widgets

A standard wordpress plugin that helps you add multiple widgets to navigation menu item.


  1. Download the latest version Menubar Widgets, or copy it to local by git clone
  2. Move the menubar-widgets folder in the wp-content/plugins directory.
  3. Navigate to the Plugins dashboard page.
  4. Activate the plugin Menubar Widgets.


  1. Show widgets in menu settings.
  2. Add multiple widgets to one menu item.
  3. Change position widgets in menu item by drag & drop it.
  4. Add custom css to menu item from the css classes feild in menu settings, the css classes starts to 'menu-item will' appends in "li" tag and the rest of appends to "i" tag.(eg: )
  5. Activate / Deactivate / Delete widgets in menu item settings.


1. Show the Menubar area in widgets section.

Show the Menubar area in widgets section.

2. Menu item settings.

Menu item settings.

3. Show the widgets front-end in navigation menu.

Show the widgets front-end in navigation menu.

4. Show Menubar Widgets list in menu settings.

Menubar Widgets list.
