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Beer Test / Making Ale

Making Ale

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You will need;

  • Beer Barrel
  • Empty Tray x3
  • Wheat x19
  • Oats x2
  • Coal and Furnace
  • Wooden Block
  • Tankard - To drink the beer

#Step 1 making the Wheat Trays#

Put the Empty Tray at the bottom centre of the crafting grid, Then fill the top 2 rows with wheat this should require 6 wheat.


The craft for wheat tray.

When you have made 3 wheat trays place the blocks next to a water source (making sure its one block away form the water source).

Allow for Some time to pass by for the wheat trays to sprout. When This happens put the Sprouted tray away from any water to allow for it to dry. When the sprouted trays have dried you should have 3 malt trays.

#Step 2 making the Different malts #

When you make the beer you will need 3 types of malt these are;

  1. Normal Malt Tray
  2. Crystalised Malt Tray
  3. Black Malt Tray

To make the Crystallised Malt Tray you need to put two Normal Malt Trays into the furnace. When the two Normal Malt Trays have became Crystallised, put one of the two Crystallised Malt Tray into the furnace again. this should make a Black Malt Tray.

In order to use the malt for the beer grain you will need to empty them out. to do this put the malt tray into the craft grid. when you do this you should have the three types of malt grain and 3 empty malt trays.

malt tray.png

The craft to get the 3 types of malt grain.

#Step 3 making yeast#

Put the Wheat into the furnace for it to become yeast

#Step 4 making your first barrel# Before you need to make the beer barrel you will need ale grain. To do this you will need 2 oats and 1 yeast at the top with the three types of beer grain along the bottom. (Don't worry which order you put them in, since its a shapeless craft)..


The craft For ale grain

When you get the ale grain from the craft equip that item and hit it agents the empty barrel. when you do this the barrel should become a ale barrel. To start the brewing place a wooden block upon the barrel to start the brewing

Step 5 brewing your Ale

brewing has 5 stages these are as flowed;

  1. Watery Malt
  2. Fermenting Malt
  3. Light ale
  4. Ale
  5. Dark Ale

To step the brewing punch the barrel.

to get ale hit the barrel with a tankard.
