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ExperimentTool / A5 Steps to run the experiment in the lab

Final step: Running the experiment in the lab

  1. Prior to your actual experiment sessions, you might want to set up your client screens as fullscreens. See this tutorial to complete this: A7 How to make the client screens fullscreens

  2. Select all your folders and right click -> Export

  3. Select “Java” and then “Runnable JAR file” to export all resources required to run an application into a JAR file on the local file system
  4. Choose your export destination, for example your USB-Stick and keep all the default settings
  5. Paste the JAR-file in the admistrator computer of the lab, using this path: Computer -> 21 Experimentaldateien -> 00Aktuell -> folder of the staff -> create a new folder for the experiment
  6. Copy the –bat files (one for Server and one for Client) from other existiting experiments (if necessary, also the files “java.policy”, “”, “” & “mca….properties”) into this folder
  7. Open the –bat files with e.g. notepad for editing; edit the path and the name of the experiment for the Server –bat file.
  8. Edit the name and the IP address for the client –bat file. For the IP address, start “cmd.exe” by entering this into the search field of “Start” and enter “ipconfig -all” (Clients should know the IP address of Server to log in)
  9. On the server computer, open the server- bat file to start the experiment.
  10. On the client computers, open the client –bat file to log in.
  11. After all clients have logged in, the experiment is ready to start!
