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logicpuzzle / Skyline


The environment enables the user to typeset Skyline logic puzzles (aka Skycrapers, Wolkenkratzer, Hochhäuser, ...), incl. Skyline Sudoku and Skyline Sudoku (N*N) variants.

There are skyscrapers located in each cell. Try to find out the height of the skyscraper in the respective cell. There are heights of 1 to MAX in every row, every column, and in each of the two diagonals if indicated. Some cells may be empty (parks). The numbers around the grid indicate how many buildings you can see from this position when you look at the skyscraper lineup. Bear in mind that only those skyscrapers are visible which are higher than the ones in front.




It also supports the following variants:

Skyline Sudoku

Skyline Sudoku



Skyline Sudoku (N*N)

Skyline Sudoku (N*N)



You will find the current release in the Downloads tab and on CTAN.

Documentation (PDF)(Wiki)

Examples & Solutions (PDF)

