plotVar and block.spls, negative correlation warning

Issue #93 resolved
Former user created an issue

in plotVar.R (around line 350), the warning about negative correlation is generated by this code:

if (any(class.object %in%  object.blocks))
  VarX =, lapply(object$variates, function(i) i[, ncomp]))
  corX = cor(VarX)
  if(any(corX < 0))
    warning("There is negative correlation between the variates of some blocks, be careful with the interpretation of the correlation circle.")

When you compute VarX, ncomp is used but ncomp is equal to object$ncomp (which is equal to the number of components for each block, eg c(6,6,6,6) for a run with 4 blocks and 6 components per block). It should be comp the parameter of the function, its value is by default c(1,2).

if (any(class.object %in%  object.blocks))
  VarX =, lapply(object$variates, function(i) i[, comp]))
  corX = cor(VarX)
  if(any(corX < 0))
    warning("There is negative correlation between the variates of some blocks, be careful with the interpretation of the correlation circle.")

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