Improve docs

Issue #118 open
ssnn created an issue

[x] Have the ‘CRAN’ and ‘Bitbucket’ links in ‘Download & Installation’ open in a new tab (target=”_blank”)

[ ] clarify that you don’t need to go to the CRAN website to use that method of installation

[ ] For people less experienced with R, it might be nice to have a gentle note on the ‘Download’ page reminding them that they’ll have to do ‘library(shazam)’ for any of the tools to work

[idk] Part of the text is red. Why?

Comments (6)

  1. Jason Vander Heiden

    Some text is red because of syntax highlighting for code blocks. There may be a way to improve the highlighting behavior by simple changes in the mkdocs.yml.

    For example, by replacing theme: readthedocs with:

        name: readthedocs
        highlightjs: true
            - R
            - yaml

    I don't know if that'll work though... it could be more complicated if that doesn't work with the RTD theme.

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