
Jeremy White World that shows robot sticking due to friction

Created by Jeremy White

File Added

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+<sdf version='1.6'>
+  <world name='cart_world'>
+    <physics name='default_physics' default='0' type='ode'>
+      <max_step_size>0.001</max_step_size>
+      <real_time_factor>1</real_time_factor>
+      <real_time_update_rate>1000</real_time_update_rate>
+      <gravity>0 0 -9.8</gravity>
+    </physics>
+    <model name='ground_plane'>
+      <static>1</static>
+      <link name='link'>
+        <collision name='collision'>
+          <geometry>
+            <plane>
+              <normal>0 0 1</normal>
+              <size>100 100</size>
+            </plane>
+          </geometry>
+          <surface>
+            <friction>
+              <ode>
+                <mu>100</mu>
+                <mu2>50</mu2>
+                <slip1>1</slip1>
+                <slip2>1</slip2>
+              </ode>
+            </friction>
+          </surface>
+          <max_contacts>10</max_contacts>
+        </collision>
+        <visual name='visual'>
+          <geometry>
+            <plane>
+              <normal>0 0 1</normal>
+              <size>100 100</size>
+            </plane>
+          </geometry>
+          <material>
+            <script>
+              <uri>file://media/materials/scripts/gazebo.material</uri>
+              <name>Gazebo/Grey</name>
+            </script>
+          </material>
+        </visual>
+        <self_collide>0</self_collide>
+        <enable_wind>0</enable_wind>
+        <kinematic>0</kinematic>
+      </link>
+    </model>
+    <light name='sun' type='directional'>
+      <pose frame=''>0 0 10 0 -0 0</pose>
+      <diffuse>0.8 0.8 0.8 1</diffuse>
+      <specular>0.1 0.1 0.1 1</specular>
+      <attenuation>
+        <range>10</range>
+        <linear>0.01</linear>
+        <constant>0.8</constant>
+        <quadratic>0</quadratic>
+      </attenuation>
+      <direction>0 0.5 -0.5</direction>
+      <cast_shadows>1</cast_shadows>
+    </light>
+    <gravity>0 0 -9.8</gravity>
+    <magnetic_field>6e-06 2.3e-05 -4.2e-05</magnetic_field>
+    <model name='ramp'>
+      <pose frame=''>0 0 0 0 -0 -1.5707</pose>
+      <static>1</static>
+      <link name='link_0'>
+        <pose frame=''>0 0 0.65 0 0.3 0</pose>
+        <inertial>
+          <mass>1</mass>
+          <inertia>
+            <ixx>0.166667</ixx>
+            <ixy>0</ixy>
+            <ixz>0</ixz>
+            <iyy>0.166667</iyy>
+            <iyz>0</iyz>
+            <izz>0.166667</izz>
+          </inertia>
+          <pose frame=''>0 0 0 0 -0 0</pose>
+        </inertial>
+        <gravity>1</gravity>
+        <visual name='visual'>
+          <pose frame=''>0 0 0 0 -0 0</pose>
+          <geometry>
+            <box>
+              <size>5 3 0.1</size>
+            </box>
+          </geometry>
+          <material>
+            <lighting>1</lighting>
+            <script>
+              <uri>file://media/materials/scripts/gazebo.material</uri>
+              <name>Gazebo/Grey</name>
+            </script>
+          </material>
+          <cast_shadows>1</cast_shadows>
+        </visual>
+        <collision name='collision'>
+          <pose frame=''>0 0 0 0 -0 0</pose>
+          <geometry>
+            <box>
+              <size>5 2.5 0.1</size>
+            </box>
+          </geometry>
+          <surface>
+            <friction>
+              <ode>
+                <mu>1</mu>
+                <mu2>1</mu2>
+                <fdir1>0 0 0</fdir1>
+                <slip1>0</slip1>
+                <slip2>0</slip2>
+              </ode>
+            </friction>
+          </surface>
+          <max_contacts>10</max_contacts>
+        </collision>
+        <self_collide>0</self_collide>
+        <enable_wind>0</enable_wind>
+        <kinematic>0</kinematic>
+      </link>
+    </model>
+    <model name='cart'>
+      <pose frame=''>0 0 1.45 .3 0 0</pose>
+      <link name='chassis'>
+        <inertial>
+          <inertia>
+            <ixx>1</ixx>
+            <ixy>0</ixy>
+            <ixz>0</ixz>
+            <iyy>1</iyy>
+            <iyz>0</iyz>
+            <izz>1</izz>
+          </inertia>
+          <mass>1</mass>
+        </inertial>
+        <collision name='collision'>
+          <pose frame=''>0 0 -0.55 0 -0 0</pose>
+          <geometry>
+            <box>
+              <size>1 1 0.1</size>
+            </box>
+          </geometry>
+          <surface>
+            <friction>
+              <ode>
+                <mu>1</mu>
+                <mu2>1</mu2>
+              </ode>
+              <torsional>
+                <ode/>
+              </torsional>
+            </friction>
+            <contact>
+              <ode/>
+            </contact>
+            <bounce/>
+          </surface>
+          <max_contacts>10</max_contacts>
+        </collision>
+        <visual name='visual'>
+          <pose frame=''>0 0 -0.55 0 -0 0</pose>
+          <geometry>
+            <box>
+              <size>1 1 0.1</size>
+            </box>
+          </geometry>
+          <material>
+            <script>
+              <uri>file://media/materials/scripts/gazebo.material</uri>
+              <name>Gazebo/WoodPallet</name>
+            </script>
+          </material>
+        </visual>
+        <self_collide>0</self_collide>
+        <enable_wind>0</enable_wind>
+        <kinematic>0</kinematic>
+      </link>
+      <link name='wheel_1'>
+        <pose frame=''>0.5 0.55 -0.5 1.5708 -0 0</pose>
+        <inertial>
+          <inertia>
+            <ixx>0.01</ixx>
+            <ixy>0</ixy>
+            <ixz>0</ixz>
+            <iyy>0.01</iyy>
+            <iyz>0</iyz>
+            <izz>0.01</izz>
+          </inertia>
+          <mass>1</mass>
+        </inertial>
+        <collision name='collision'>
+          <geometry>
+            <cylinder>
+              <radius>0.2</radius>
+              <length>0.1</length>
+            </cylinder>
+          </geometry>
+          <surface>
+            <friction>
+              <ode>
+                <mu>1</mu>
+                <mu2>.1</mu2>
+              </ode>
+              <torsional>
+                <ode/>
+              </torsional>
+            </friction>
+            <contact>
+              <ode>
+                <min_depth>0.0001</min_depth>
+                <kp>100000</kp>
+              </ode>
+            </contact>
+            <bounce/>
+          </surface>
+          <max_contacts>10</max_contacts>
+        </collision>
+        <visual name='visual'>
+          <geometry>
+            <cylinder>
+              <radius>0.2</radius>
+              <length>0.1</length>
+            </cylinder>
+          </geometry>
+          <material>
+            <script>
+              <uri>file://media/materials/scripts/gazebo.material</uri>
+              <name>Gazebo/CoM</name>
+            </script>
+          </material>
+        </visual>
+        <self_collide>0</self_collide>
+        <enable_wind>0</enable_wind>
+        <kinematic>0</kinematic>
+      </link>
+      <joint name='wheel_1_joint' type='revolute'>
+        <parent>chassis</parent>
+        <child>wheel_1</child>
+        <pose frame=''>0 0 0 0 -0 0</pose>
+        <axis>
+          <xyz>0 1 0</xyz>
+          <use_parent_model_frame>1</use_parent_model_frame>
+          <limit>
+            <lower>-1e+16</lower>
+            <upper>1e+16</upper>
+          </limit>
+          <dynamics>
+            <spring_reference>0</spring_reference>
+            <spring_stiffness>0</spring_stiffness>
+          </dynamics>
+        </axis>
+      </joint>
+      <link name='wheel_2'>
+        <pose frame=''>0.5 -0.55 -0.5 1.5708 -0 0</pose>
+        <inertial>
+          <inertia>
+            <ixx>0.01</ixx>
+            <ixy>0</ixy>
+            <ixz>0</ixz>
+            <iyy>0.01</iyy>
+            <iyz>0</iyz>
+            <izz>0.01</izz>
+          </inertia>
+          <mass>1</mass>
+        </inertial>
+        <collision name='collision'>
+          <geometry>
+            <cylinder>
+              <radius>0.2</radius>
+              <length>0.1</length>
+            </cylinder>
+          </geometry>
+          <surface>
+            <friction>
+              <ode>
+                <mu>1</mu>
+                <mu2>.1</mu2>
+              </ode>
+              <torsional>
+                <ode/>
+              </torsional>
+            </friction>
+            <contact>
+              <ode>
+                <min_depth>0.0001</min_depth>
+                <kp>100000</kp>
+              </ode>
+            </contact>
+            <bounce/>
+          </surface>
+          <max_contacts>10</max_contacts>
+        </collision>
+        <visual name='visual'>
+          <geometry>
+            <cylinder>
+              <radius>0.2</radius>
+              <length>0.1</length>
+            </cylinder>
+          </geometry>
+          <material>
+            <script>
+              <uri>file://media/materials/scripts/gazebo.material</uri>
+              <name>Gazebo/CoM</name>
+            </script>
+          </material>
+        </visual>
+        <self_collide>0</self_collide>
+        <enable_wind>0</enable_wind>
+        <kinematic>0</kinematic>
+      </link>
+      <joint name='wheel_2_joint' type='revolute'>
+        <parent>chassis</parent>
+        <child>wheel_2</child>
+        <pose frame=''>0 0 0 0 -0 0</pose>
+        <axis>
+          <xyz>0 1 0</xyz>
+          <use_parent_model_frame>1</use_parent_model_frame>
+          <limit>
+            <lower>-1e+16</lower>
+            <upper>1e+16</upper>
+          </limit>
+          <dynamics>
+            <spring_reference>0</spring_reference>
+            <spring_stiffness>0</spring_stiffness>
+          </dynamics>
+        </axis>
+      </joint>
+      <link name='wheel_3'>
+        <pose frame=''>-0.5 0.55 -0.5 1.5708 -0 0</pose>
+        <inertial>
+          <inertia>
+            <ixx>0.01</ixx>
+            <ixy>0</ixy>
+            <ixz>0</ixz>
+            <iyy>0.01</iyy>
+            <iyz>0</iyz>
+            <izz>0.01</izz>
+          </inertia>
+          <mass>1</mass>
+        </inertial>
+        <collision name='collision'>
+          <geometry>
+            <cylinder>
+              <radius>0.2</radius>
+              <length>0.1</length>
+            </cylinder>
+          </geometry>
+          <surface>
+            <friction>
+              <ode>
+                <mu>1</mu>
+                <mu2>.1</mu2>
+              </ode>
+              <torsional>
+                <ode/>
+              </torsional>
+            </friction>
+            <contact>
+              <ode>
+                <min_depth>0.0001</min_depth>
+                <kp>100000</kp>
+              </ode>
+            </contact>
+            <bounce/>
+          </surface>
+          <max_contacts>10</max_contacts>
+        </collision>
+        <visual name='visual'>
+          <geometry>
+            <cylinder>
+              <radius>0.2</radius>
+              <length>0.1</length>
+            </cylinder>
+          </geometry>
+          <material>
+            <script>
+              <uri>file://media/materials/scripts/gazebo.material</uri>
+              <name>Gazebo/CoM</name>
+            </script>
+          </material>
+        </visual>
+        <self_collide>0</self_collide>
+        <enable_wind>0</enable_wind>
+        <kinematic>0</kinematic>
+      </link>
+      <joint name='wheel_3_joint' type='revolute'>
+        <parent>chassis</parent>
+        <child>wheel_3</child>
+        <pose frame=''>0 0 0 0 -0 0</pose>
+        <axis>
+          <dynamics>
+            <damping>0</damping>
+            <friction>0</friction>
+            <spring_reference>0</spring_reference>
+            <spring_stiffness>0</spring_stiffness>
+          </dynamics>
+          <xyz>0 1 0</xyz>
+          <use_parent_model_frame>1</use_parent_model_frame>
+          <limit>
+            <lower>-1e+16</lower>
+            <upper>1e+16</upper>
+          </limit>
+        </axis>
+      </joint>
+      <link name='wheel_4'>
+        <pose frame=''>-0.5 -0.55 -0.5 1.5708 -0 0</pose>
+        <inertial>
+          <inertia>
+            <ixx>0.01</ixx>
+            <ixy>0</ixy>
+            <ixz>0</ixz>
+            <iyy>0.01</iyy>
+            <iyz>0</iyz>
+            <izz>0.01</izz>
+          </inertia>
+          <mass>1</mass>
+        </inertial>
+        <collision name='collision'>
+          <geometry>
+            <cylinder>
+              <radius>0.2</radius>
+              <length>0.1</length>
+            </cylinder>
+          </geometry>
+          <surface>
+            <friction>
+              <ode>
+                <mu>1</mu>
+                <mu2>.1</mu2>
+              </ode>
+              <torsional>
+                <ode/>
+              </torsional>
+            </friction>
+            <contact>
+              <ode>
+                <min_depth>0.0001</min_depth>
+                <kp>100000</kp>
+              </ode>
+            </contact>
+            <bounce/>
+          </surface>
+          <max_contacts>10</max_contacts>
+        </collision>
+        <visual name='visual'>
+          <geometry>
+            <cylinder>
+              <radius>0.2</radius>
+              <length>0.1</length>
+            </cylinder>
+          </geometry>
+          <material>
+            <script>
+              <uri>file://media/materials/scripts/gazebo.material</uri>
+              <name>Gazebo/CoM</name>
+            </script>
+          </material>
+        </visual>
+        <self_collide>0</self_collide>
+        <enable_wind>0</enable_wind>
+        <kinematic>0</kinematic>
+      </link>
+      <joint name='wheel_4_joint' type='revolute'>
+        <parent>chassis</parent>
+        <child>wheel_4</child>
+        <pose frame=''>0 0 0 0 -0 0</pose>
+        <axis>
+          <dynamics>
+            <damping>0</damping>
+            <friction>0</friction>
+            <spring_reference>0</spring_reference>
+            <spring_stiffness>0</spring_stiffness>
+          </dynamics>
+          <xyz>0 1 0</xyz>
+          <use_parent_model_frame>1</use_parent_model_frame>
+          <limit>
+            <lower>-1e+16</lower>
+            <upper>1e+16</upper>
+          </limit>
+        </axis>
+      </joint>
+    </model>
+  </world>

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