Support for 3-column BED files

Issue #56 new
Alexander Peltzer created an issue

Official standard in UCSC is 3-column (required) + optional columns. Could you please add support for BED format with 3-columns only? As long as its always 3-column within one BED file, this should be fine.

We're using QualiMap to calculate coverage on a set of targets only, so this shouldn't ruin things for others, too. In case you need the other information, you could still use 6-column BED format. What do you think?

Cheers, Alex

Comments (3)

  1. Alexander Peltzer reporter

    Thanks Konstantin! Are you releasing a stable version anytime soon as well? We will try this out ;-)

  2. Konstantin Okonechnikov repo owner

    Great! Release will be a bit later, closer to middle/end of August due to other ongoing improvements.

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