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Simple way to accumulate and use bash utilities

Just provide -h parameter to show help info


$ ./migbash -h
      ./migbash [-m] [-h]
      ./migbash [module_name] [module_method] [options]...
Obviously one can use short form, just type:


$ mv ./ mb
and then use it:


$ ./mb -h or whatever
Use -m parameter to show list of available modules with methods/submodules:


$ ./ -m

modules list

You can simply use listed modules e.g.:


$ ./ db backup
$ ./ wp add_user
$ ./ migrate migrate

How to create simple module:

Go to migbash/modules folder. Feel free to create new folder if it's necessary or use existing one. Let's create new folder, it will be your module's name:


$ mkdir foobar
Create file, e.g. my_module: touch my_module Write down next strings:


showme() {
    echo "Hello from My module!"
Go to the folder where is placed:


$ cd ../../
Run your module:


$ ./ foobar showme
As a result you'll see the string:


Hello from My module!
Add the following method into your module:


my_module_help() {
    echo -e "$(MigBash::color showme cyan black)$(MigBash::margin 16) – My first module ShowMe"
Now if you type $ ./migbash -m you will see simple info about your module:

MigBash modules list

MigBash internal methods:

Using MigBash::getVal paramName method you can retrieve value for provided parameter from a configuration file


# path to config file
local settings='modules/'${module}'/db.ini'
local db_user=$(MigBash::getVal db_user ${settings})
local db_pass=$(MigBash::getVal db_pass ${settings})
local config_path=$(MigBash::getVal path ${settings})
And here is an example of db.ini configuration file:


You can use MigBash::color function to colorize output:

MigBash::color 'some text' foreground_color background_color


$(MigBash::color showme cyan black)
For the moment available colors are: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white

Also you can use MigBash::margin function to make margins for your text:

next call will shift the text position into 16 points


MigBash::margin 16

Some examples:

Using db backup module

You can make database backup with this command:


$ ./ db backup your_db_name /path/to/save/backup
Or you can just call:


$ ./ db backup
and make a backup via simple dialog:

MigBash db backup

Path to place database backup:

MigBash db backup

The same way you can use , e.g. wordpress modules:


$ ./ wp add_user
$ ./ wp change_domain
Or you can provide parameters to the modules if you don't want to use dialogs
