undo event for applying a preset references the full path to the preset (often hiding the name of the preset)

Issue #74 resolved
Jeff Almasol created an issue
  1. add a Preset button that points to one of the bundled presets in AE (e.g., in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CC 2017\Support Files\Presets...).
  2. click the Preset button to apply it.
  3. look in the Edit menu.

--> the undo command references the full path to the preset? this won't show the full name in the menu bar.

maybe ok to only use the preset name itself (without the path)?

Comments (4)

  1. Rafi Khan

    I never noticed this. I'm going to remove the path out of the undo. Good catch!

    Will have this fixed in Drop 9.

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