Simplify rule

Issue #5 resolved
Bart Bogaerts created an issue

Get rid of split between posbodylts and negbodylits and recover this information when printing. Also: constraints can be treated this way (again: recover when printing)

(might result in ugly printing methods)

Official response

  • Bart Bogaerts reporter

    Improved rule design. Now the internal format of rules is not in close correspondence to the input read. However, what we do get is: easier rules.

    Printing a logic program is now harder. We will work around this by printing the original program and adding lines inthe appropriate locatiosn.

    This also allows us to maintain symbol table, parameters, etcetera.

    Fixes #5

    → <<cset 784b444fa6e8>>

Comments (2)

  1. Bart Bogaerts reporter

    Improved rule design. Now the internal format of rules is not in close correspondence to the input read. However, what we do get is: easier rules.

    Printing a logic program is now harder. We will work around this by printing the original program and adding lines inthe appropriate locatiosn.

    This also allows us to maintain symbol table, parameters, etcetera.

    Fixes #5

    → <<cset 784b444fa6e8>>

  2. JoD

    Improved rule design. Now the internal format of rules is not in close correspondence to the input read. However, what we do get is: easier rules.

    Printing a logic program is now harder. We will work around this by printing the original program and adding lines inthe appropriate locatiosn.

    This also allows us to maintain symbol table, parameters, etcetera.

    Fixes #5

    → <<cset 454f35835f67>>

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