Evaluate inference

Issue #149 open
Bart Bogaerts created an issue

Inference that evaluates a given formula/term/... in a given structure. (something like the query-inference, but for other input formats)

Comments (13)

  1. Joachim Jansen

    New usecase: after calculating the approximating definition, evaluate the top-level constraints in the calculated structure, to see whether they have been deduced to be false (so that an inconsistency warning may be printed)

  2. Bart Bogaerts reporter
    • changed status to open

    This does not yet work in the context of partial interpretations. However, some test need this feature!

  3. Bart Bogaerts reporter

    Disabled checking of two tests.

    When lazy grounding, they yield partial interpretations. However, checking correctness of partial interpretations is not yet implemented. See #149

    → <<cset c66dc3710a8f>>

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