Shared tseitin cost AND push quant effect of BDD rewriting

Issue #184 new
Broes De Cat created an issue

In the following file, doing shared tseitin transformation explodes the theory and grounding time. Also, putting the theory through a bdd should push quantifications downwards to where it is relevant, but this does not happen? Also check this when the variable ordering is less straightforwardly following the usage.

Comments (5)

  1. Bart Bogaerts
    • changed milestone to Later

    The BDD generated by this problem is simply too large. And every subBDD occurs too many times in this bdd. Maybe we should rework both the transformation so that they don't do formula -> BDD -> formula, because this results in very inefficient formulas, with many occurences of the same subformula. (for example in a BDD with n kernels, the last kernel might appear 2^n times).

    I postpone this issue to later and I'll hide the sharedtseitintransformation-option from the users and comment it in the manual.

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