Symbolic propagation is not smart enough or fails altogether

Issue #236 resolved
Broes De Cat created an issue

No description provided.

Comments (5)

  1. Bart Bogaerts

    Improved symbolic propagation a lot.

    Previously, the propagatorfactory unnested a lot of domain terms that needed no unnesting: As now is documented, we need to unnest domain terms from predicates to make it possible to create leafconnectors afterwards. However, since we do not create leafconnectors for built-in symbols, we don't need to unnest domain terms from those symbols. I disabled this unnesting. This change fixes issue #236

    Added the two tests that were given in this specific issue.

    this commit might be useful to check when solving #239

    → <<cset e9a5386443f6>>

  2. Bart Bogaerts

    Improved symbolic propagation a lot.

    Previously, the propagatorfactory unnested a lot of domain terms that needed no unnesting: As now is documented, we need to unnest domain terms from predicates to make it possible to create leafconnectors afterwards. However, since we do not create leafconnectors for built-in symbols, we don't need to unnest domain terms from those symbols. I disabled this unnesting. This change fixes issue #236

    Added the two tests that were given in this specific issue.

    this commit might be useful to check when solving #239

    → <<cset 718246fdfecc>>

  3. Bart Bogaerts

    Improved symbolic propagation a lot.

    Previously, the propagatorfactory unnested a lot of domain terms that needed no unnesting: As now is documented, we need to unnest domain terms from predicates to make it possible to create leafconnectors afterwards. However, since we do not create leafconnectors for built-in symbols, we don't need to unnest domain terms from those symbols. I disabled this unnesting. This change fixes issue #236

    Added the two tests that were given in this specific issue.

    this commit might be useful to check when solving #239

    → <<cset 718246fdfecc>>

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