Infinite grounding where there shouldnt be one

Issue #250 resolved
Broes De Cat created an issue

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Comments (2)

  1. Bart Bogaerts

    fixed issue with derivetermbounds

    When calculating termbounds for products, a wrong way of taking a power was used In a specific example, this resulted in a maxsize of 4^100 instead of 100^4. Now, this is fixed. I also added a test that throwed an error before this fix. This fixes #250

    → <<cset 89668e918695>>

  2. Joachim Jansen

    fixed issue with derivetermbounds

    When calculating termbounds for products, a wrong way of taking a power was used In a specific example, this resulted in a maxsize of 4^100 instead of 100^4. Now, this is fixed. I also added a test that throwed an error before this fix. This fixes #250

    → <<cset e03c757b1ebd>>

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