Allow feature-based unit testing

Issue #299 new
Bart Bogaerts created an issue

We make several tests that run well when the groundwithbounds is enabled. However, these test should be ran without groundwithbounds.

Therefor, every testfile should decide in which configuration he should be ran.

Possible solution:

A testfile is ran unless some procedure exists that overrides this.

TODO: implement this ;-)

Comments (4)

  1. Broes De Cat

    Improved applying propagation to structure

    I fixed the inter method in FOPropBDDDomainFactory to always keep its tables as small as possible. (by choosing to keep the pf table if the ct table is too large) This method was generalized and is available from MainStructureComponents.

    I also added a test. However, this test will fail if bounds are disabled. In order to use it, we need a better testframework, (see #299) Thus: test is added in TODO

    → <<cset 079ecf42930e>>

  2. Broes De Cat

    Code to check method existence in Lua (unverified): helper = {} function helper.resolveName(name) local a = _G for key in string.gmatch(name, "([^%.]+)(%.?)") do print(key) if a[key] then a = a[key] else return nil end end return a end

    function helper.functionExists(name) return type(helper.resolveName(name)) == 'function' end

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