XSB cannot handle definitions that use constants in their body

Issue #333 resolved
Joachim Jansen created an issue

Results in stack smash.

Extra output: /usr/include/c++/4.6/debug/safe_iterator.h:236:error: attempt to increment a past-the-end iterator.

Objects involved in the operation: iterator "this" @ 0x0x7f959933aa40 { type = N11__gnu_debug14_Safe_iteratorINSt9__cxx199820_List_const_iteratorIP10PrologTermEENSt7__debug4listIS4_SaIS4_EEEEE (constant iterator); state = past-the-end; references sequence with type `NSt7__debug4listIP10PrologTermSaIS2_EEE' @ 0x0x7f959933aa40 }

Comments (6)

  1. Joachim Jansen reporter

    Added support for constants

    The transformation is now correct for definitions that use a constant in the body of the definition. This fixes bug #333

    → <<cset 02b9aaf06bd2>>

  2. Joachim Jansen reporter

    Added support for constants

    The transformation is now correct for definitions that use a constant in the body of the definition. This fixes bug #333

    → <<cset 4bc437d46580>>

  3. Joachim Jansen reporter

    Added support for constants

    The transformation is now correct for definitions that use a constant in the body of the definition. This fixes bug #333

    → <<cset 8c2fe02507b4>>

  4. Broes De Cat

    Added support for constants

    The transformation is now correct for definitions that use a constant in the body of the definition. This fixes bug #333

    → <<cset 79bf3b9f9b6e>>

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