XSB Support for negative integers

Issue #384 resolved
Joachim Jansen created an issue

Attached file returns the wrong interpretation for T and segfaults on T2.

Comments (9)

  1. Joachim Jansen reporter

    Added special case for the negative integers

    They are now parsed in a special way, resulting in a unification with the negated number.

    This fixes bug #384

    → <<cset 41041caf4200>>

  2. Joachim Jansen reporter

    Added special case for the negative integers

    They are now parsed in a special way, resulting in a unification with the negated number.

    This fixes bug #384

    → <<cset 3618410096f7>>

  3. Joachim Jansen reporter

    Added special case for the negative integers

    They are now parsed in a special way, resulting in a unification with the negated number.

    This fixes bug #384

    → <<cset c3c754c75ccf>>

  4. Joachim Jansen reporter

    Added special case for the negative integers

    They are now parsed in a special way, resulting in a unification with the negated number.

    This fixes bug #384

    → <<cset 48a5e2a468f9>>

  5. Joachim Jansen reporter

    Added special case for the negative integers

    They are now parsed in a special way, resulting in a unification with the negated number.

    This fixes bug #384

    → <<cset b91a2744367d>>

  6. Joachim Jansen reporter

    Added special case for the negative integers

    They are now parsed in a special way, resulting in a unification with the negated number.

    This fixes bug #384

    → <<cset 1a59c5c6a97c>>

  7. Joachim Jansen reporter

    Added special case for the negative integers

    They are now parsed in a special way, resulting in a unification with the negated number.

    This fixes bug #384

    → <<cset 3fbb84310a27>>

  8. Joachim Jansen reporter

    Added special case for the negative integers

    They are now parsed in a special way, resulting in a unification with the negated number.

    This fixes bug #384

    → <<cset 52ce1377fa98>>

  9. Joachim Jansen reporter

    Added special case for the negative integers

    They are now parsed in a special way, resulting in a unification with the negated number.

    This fixes bug #384

    → <<cset 02e712083757>>

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