Uninstantiated argument of evaluable function +/2

Issue #433 resolved
Bart Bogaerts created an issue

xsb error in benchmark 4 van IDP2 waar IDP3 als preprocessor gebruikt wordt.

Comments (10)

  1. Bart Bogaerts reporter

    Ik zie een solution.idp Dit is idp3 en dient waarschijnlijk voor pre- of postprocessing

  2. Joachim Jansen

    Extended XSB's abs implementation to allow more flexible reasoning

    Prolog calls of the form

    ?- idpxsb_abs(VAR,nr).

    with nr a number and VAR a variable will return correctly now with bindings VAR = nr; VAR = -nr; no.

    This fixes bug #433

    → <<cset 433fd2031ab5>>

  3. Broes De Cat

    Extended XSB's abs implementation to allow more flexible reasoning

    Prolog calls of the form

    ?- idpxsb_abs(VAR,nr).

    with nr a number and VAR a variable will return correctly now with bindings VAR = nr; VAR = -nr; no.

    This fixes bug #433

    → <<cset 433fd2031ab5>>

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